C’mon now. Be careful. Does this make mice dangerous? You do not need to have a permit to keep ferrets, parrots, hedgehogs, chinchillas, and other small rodents. any animal you get as a pet can become dangerous all animals require respect and without respect bad things happen. I think the sugar bear is getting a bad rap. How on earth would I treat each as the pet they are purchased to be? Whether store-bought or caught in a friend's backyard, a turtle can carry Salmonella and might not be the best choice of a pet for your family, especially if there are young children or immunocompromised persons in the household. After a face full of tiny invisible fiberglass hair splinters and the pain and irritation that followed over the next few days as they worked their way out of my skin, I tend to want to wear a face guard if I have to handle those things. They are AMAZING exotic animals. wow. I am a strong proponent of exotic pets and even I think venomous snakes are a bad Idea unless you are a zoo or a registered facility that milks them for anti venom purposes. If you’re a ignorant socialite such as aforementioned Hilton and are more concerned with your image rather than an animals well being, then sure, it’s going to end in tears. Breeders are breeders, and handling them is NOT advisable. Uh! No. BTW, this also is generally good practice for reptiles, amphibians and also aquariums, all of which may have the bacteria. So you have two cases where a kinkajou bit somebody? The kinkajou also has a prehensile tail that it uses much like another arm. 3) Crocodiles and Alligators: The most common crocodilian in the pet trade, the American Alligator, can be a monstrously large predator. A kinkajou, also known as a sugar bear, looks like a cross between a squirrel, a hamster, and a chinchilla. The kinkajou is clearly meant to be funny, guys, and anybody who calls their animal 'baby luv' deserves to be scratched. Oi. The average lifespan of a kinkajou in captivity is 23 years. The human resemblance is amazing. What about bears? Predators cannot see the eggs across the countryside which gives the nest a bit of protection. So no, just because it kills more people doesn’t make it more dangerous, unless you want to claim being bit by a mosquito is more dangerous than jumping into a volcano full of man-eating sharks that are shooting lasers at me simply because nobody’s ever died from the latter. See more. If you plan to allow your kinkajou to roam the house freely, you’ll need to spend a great deal of time “pet proofing” to prevent access to electrical wires and outlets, poisonous plants, cleaning supplies, garbage bins and more. Check it out: The most common constrictors kept as pets are ball pythons. Also known as honey bears, kinkajous have become popular in the exotic pet trade. —“Save your life, ride a camel, wear a scorpion, snuggle a python, train a marmoset to bring you a beer, wash your turtle with soap, and then kiss it, test your luck and pester a hognose snake with your big toe, eat ostrich eggs, and open wide and say AHHH to share your see-food with your kinkajou!”, Dear Amelia, A red tailed boa is not particularly dangerous to humans, and as for to dogs I own small dogs and a red tailed hawk is more of a danger to them than my neighbor having a red tailed boa, doncha think? A major method of communication between kinkajous is by scent. Dogs have far more cases of mauling and even fatalities over a Kinkajou! You list Kinkajous over big cats? Come on, cute rainforest animal that attacks Paris Hilton numerous times. The Kinkajou actually are not poisonous however, much like Komodo Dragons, they have a bacteria in their mouth that is very dangerous. Now, any individual who would take on a crocodile… God help your soul. Robert, the last pet, the Kinkajou was listed as a joke. I work at a zoo, and we handle them all the time. Even small wild cats are NOT your common house cat. You go and buy a scorp without respecting its abilities or without knowing anything about them (like the author) your gonna get in trouble, and for whatever reason everyone will point fingers at the animal for its owners mistake! You really need to think about what you post, because nearly all of it is pure misinformation and ignorance. Your new boa will take some time getting to know your smell and your temperature, this is by in large how your are recognized by your we friend. But no matter how young they are or how well trained they are, they can turn on you in a second. Kinkajous are sometimes called honey bears because they raid bees' nests. Their bite is probably more dangerous than their risk of salmonella. In one ear and out the other. Some monkeys are simply unintelligent primates that are difficult to establish communication and understanding with. They are adorable. I possess a smaller sub-species of kinkajou that weigh less than 10 pounds each and are roughly the size of a small housecat. The salmonella, if it’s there, is in their feces. They can be ferocious. Now, compare that number to the same statistics for camels, relatively. It may also eat grubs, insects, and small vertebrates. Nearly all animals can be kept safely as pets as long as the conditions are right and they are cared for properly. They bite.” Um… when’s the last time you heard about someone being killed or critically injured by a constrictor? This comment absolutely cracked me up, but it’s very true! Of course there's the cat who will follow it's owner for miles too. All it takes is time, patience, and propper education and care. The greater assortments of Kinkajous can reach as much as 18 pounds in.. 562 448 5146 Free call. Not a bad list, but with some of the pets a bit of education and maturity is all that is needed. KINKAJOU FACTS * Kinkajous are the Procyonidae family, along with raccoons and coatis, and are native to Central and South America. Education is the key, and with posts like these, it'll certainly help. I had turtles my ENTIRE childhood, nobody told me to wash my hands after touching them so I never did. They can only eat kits [baby rabbits], kittens, and puppies [maybe even a full grown chihuahua, but really who will care about them]. Despite being a state with pathetic laws banning hedgehogs and ferrets, reptile laws are surprisingly lax aside from venomous reptiles. But when I looked it up I couldn’t resist its … They are not known to eat anything else such as plants or liquids, just other animals. Often people get crocs and alligators when they are little and cute and look like happy little lizards. Is my kinkajou too thin? However, it’s the animal’s guardian’s fault. Live Animal Shipping: Baby Kinkajous will be shipped using United Airlines PetSafe. Now, let’s compare that to the last time you heard about a dog flipping out at a person. Have you seen the jaws on those things? Constrictors come in many sizes and I own several species in this family. Snakes are venomous. Lol I love JP's comment about cats. Any animal left unstimulated could easily pose a risk to people… Especially exceptionally intelligent animals. Is this just someone experessing their personal phobias of animals they don't understand? Kinkajous come in 14 subspecies and various sizes. I think the overall disinformation in this article is a good look into the world of exotic pet legislation. And supervise children for the same reason. 1) Kinkajou: Oh, dear. Kinkajous are an arboreal cousin of the raccoon. You should do research before posting false info on the internet and looking like an flake. if you kept it a natural surrounding at home im sure that there would be no problem. There is actually a difference between being poisonous and being venomous. the rest aren't really dangerous if you know how to handle them. And it’s pretty gross. kinkajous aren’t rodents, they belong to the raccoon family in the carnivora. So keeping one in a kiddie pool in the back yard may not be the best idea. Sometimes cute is pretty deceptive. One of the main concerns with owning constrictors is that once they start to get large, some people actually just let them go and return them to the wild. Amatoxin is the deadly poison found in Amanita mushroom, such as the fly agaric. Scorpions show a preference toward subduing prey with either their stingers or their claws so there is an inverse relationship between the claws and the stinger. IMO they are one of the most majestic beautiful animals on this great earth. You seem to be one of the few intelligent people who will actually say something about this stupid post. The average lifespan of a kinkajou in captivity is 23 years. The most common I've seen are the emperor scorps, which, despite their huge size, have a very mild sting. Not all turtles carry salmonella. Kinkajous gained popularity as pets due to their ownership by celebrities such as Paris Hilton. Tell me camels are oh-so-dangerous now. I can think of ten animals off the top of my head that are more dangerous to own, like a grizzly or a moose. Only one death (a dog) from a poison dart frog. There are less common scorpions in the pet trade–rule of thumb is “the smaller the pincers, the more potent the venom.” These potent scorpions are not for the casual hobbyist, but the avid and knowledgeable collector/keeper… But to put them on a top ten list of dangerous pets? Again I go back to my comments about the scorpions. The author of this list was misinformed. Yeah, but most humans are largely immune to the bacteria in our mouths, or it’s not life threatening. This being said, your new friend may be a little finicky when it comes to feeding time. Yet world wide there is a fascination with owning wild, bizarre, exotic, and most of the time dangerous pets. Actually, the breeds of scorpions sold as pets are hardly dangerous. Long story short: Your list is invalid. Watch out for Fido! Who knew this was illegal? It's actually an extremely small percentage of turtles who do. They are generally friendly, playful, and curious when raised in captivity. Yep poisonous snake shouldn’t be kept by beginners… but most captive pet boas don’t get longer then 1.5 meters…., i dont think a turtle is dangerous at all…having a dog or a cat is more dangerous then a turtle sorry…just my opinion…. Maybe. Wikipedia? FYI, never heard of a Kinkajou called a sugar bear. Live animals are shipped within the United States only. While it IS true that turtles CAN carry salmonella, it should be a parent’s responsibility to have their kids practice hand washing after handling any animal , not just a turtle. This is for a few reasons. They tend to use it more defensively whereas venomous animals tend to use it to capture prey although it can also be used in defense situations too. Any animal is dangerous if not kept or cared for correctly — most of these animals just have needs people are not prepared to meet. They feed them raw steak for goodness sake, shouldn’t that be a sign? She probably deserved getting bit and scratched up. You can’t take an exotic animal into a crowded place with people hovering all around it and expect it to not have a little mental meltdown. Kinkajous are small, golden brown, tree-dwelling mammals that are native to Central and South American rainforests. Who owns these animals? PETA? So, no danger. Kinkajou as a pet. female kinkajou for sale come in different sizes and there are7 subspecies. my son was so desperate to buy one. It’s the owners who are the danger. YOURS! This includes a thin layer over top of the eyes. Ever seen my wife stressed? Affiliate Disclaimer AnimalCorner.co.uk is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. They’re intelligent, vocal and curious animals — and they’re among the latest in the growing trend of exotic pets. Some kinkajous carry a bacterium (Kingella potus) in their saliva. Contrary to popular belief, reptile size is NOT limited by the size of the enclosure. Big cats are like apes, and I do not believe they should ever be in private ownership. Of course, we humans don’t really show much respect for other spiecies, or take the time to learn about them. “Anything with teeth can bite”. I’ve owned many LARGE constrictors. The kinkajou is a nocturnal (active at night) mammal from Central and South America. I have not been bitten and I feel i have actually tamed him! My cats could lay with her, and she greatly enjoyed curling up against their furry stomachs for a cuddle. It is always the mistake a person makes. Shipping usually is a cost of $250 but will depend on the quantity of your order for a final cost. I am considering my first exotic (other than what you can buy at petco) and I’d really like some advice. This is because they are safe from predators, and have access to medical care. People form their opinions based on a lack of knowledge about these animals and fear. Can somebody tell me whether they are poisonous, and if so, what the reaction to a skink-bite will be. It's just that if your housecat turns on you or plays a bit too rough, all you get is a bit of a scratch. These monkeys tend to be submissive and cooperative, but they MUST be mentally stimulated. God help us, you are definitely a product of American “education”…, I somehow missed this gem “Sure they seem cute and awkward looking. In fact this cute little creature has enough poison in it to kill 30 grownup humans. The binturong is the only Old World mammal and one of only two carnivores (the other is the kinkajou) with a prehensile tail. You love when someone gives you their ignorant opinion and try to pass it off as god given truth? You seemed to be focus on uncommon pets though… Yep most are right which gators and big cats aren’t a good pet, but do you know that MOST turtle or even reptiles don’t carry Salmonella which cause illness? ‘Let’s take a fairly wild animal shopping in the mall!’. If you must walk on the “wild side”, please do your research and opt for a small wild cat species… And by damn, be prepared for it. Is that true? Dwarf Caimen are also popular crocodilians, however they are a bit more tricky. Who is going to pay that much for a flock of ostriches to keep as pets? They defecate in their water. So a woman was attacked by her camel… Have you even bothered to look up the statistics of horse-related critical injuries and deaths per year? They are poisonous. With proper knowledge of these wonderful beings, and consiststant love and handling, you just may find yourself owning and snake that actually loves you back…! Other common constrictors are rosy boas and sand boas. When a tiger plays a bit too rough, you're dead. If you ask me, that’s not one of the best ideas I have heard of. The kinkajou feeds on fruit, but it also has an unusually long tongue, which it uses to lap up nectar from flowers. 2. There are some species that use this method that top out at 17 inches (SEVENTEEN INCHES) AS ADULTS!!!!!! But, did you know that hognose snakes and even garter snakes are venomous? I now recommend washing your hands but I never once got sick and I handled both a land turtle and an aquatic turtle every day. Camels are known to be pretty temperamental guys. im not hating on Paris… you just have to educate yourself about what you will be taking care of. Also, “constrictors” aren’t a species. Paris Hilton has a pet kinkajou named Baby Luv. I could rattle off a huge list of venomous snakes that simply should not be kept by anyone but extremely experienced, responsible individuals who always have their head about them. And we all know how little kids can be; they will stick just about anything in their mouth – including their fingers after touching the turtles and the turtles themselves. Sometimes. Sure they seem cute and awkward looking. 10) Turtles: Any reptile can carry salmonella. I would say just afterward with these harmless creatures is to put them back into their aquarium (Of Course) disinfect the area in which one would put them (Lysol Spray would work fine) and never ever forget to wash your hands with a disinfected soap like Dial or any anti-fungal cleaning lotion. ... What kind of venomous snakes can we have in Pennsylvania. “just because it kills more people doesn’t make it more dangerous” is like saying “Just because it does more dangerous things doesn’t make it more dangerous”, seriously, get your facts straight, don’t just base your posts on opinion. People can and do keep exotics safely and happily — ever heard of a zoo? I also place a lot of blame on the doctor who couldn’t identify a simple infection and get the kid on antibiotics. If using the suggested diet above, I would suggest 1.5-2 cups of food per adult kinkajou. People are always surprised to learn scorpions are capable of showing affection and that more people die every year from diseases caused by mosquito bites. Very large parrots ie. But apparently these guys will also chase you and they run pretty darn fast. I think the alligator should be #1. Ostriches, contrary to popular belief, do not bury their heads in the sand.". I wanted a pet kinkajou of my own! Well, Baby Luv sent Hilton to the emergency room twice. I don’t want enough ostriches to be able to call their running a “stampede”. But back to the turtle discussion, I thought this was interesting from the CDC site. If you ask me, those kids are dangerous… to themselves! Babies may eat slightly less, so I would suggest 1-1.5 cups food, cut up. It’s not like they have some magic status that makes them able to do what ordinary mortals cannot — they simply have access to adequate funds, space and know-how to create healthy, secure homes for various exotic creatures, and there’s no reason a plain citizen can’t have those as well (though most do not.). This is not the case! Kinkajous have a painful bite and can be destructive to a home in the middle of the night, when they are most active. Here is some good info. I have two constrictors (amongst 4 other animals, one, a red tailed boa like the one pictured above) which honestly I don’t believe belong in any household. For example, venom researcher Mandë Holford and her team recently put to rest a debate over whether the bearded fireworm, a type of aquatic centipede, was venomous or poisonous (it’s venomous). Personally Crocs would be number 1 if I made this list. I doubt she knew what she was doing, saw it as a cute little toy with no sense of responsibility, and heck I would’ve scratched her up to! FIrst of all, where’d you get your information? I have owned a turtle until three years ago (my older brother moved and as george is a family pet, took him with him.) Ouch. Not all creepy hangin’-at-the-playground skeevy men are child molesters, but do you want to take the chance? Deserved of a facepalm on that one. She is currently a student attending Jade Mountain Academy as a member of the Jade Winglet. I have had a Red Tailed Boa for years and in addition to her being very easy to care for, she is very friendly, loves being held, and has never been aggresive towards a person in her life, and red tailed boas are notorious for being far more wild than pythons. They use their prehensile tails like an appendage to grip tree branches similarly to monkeys, and they can also turn their feet backwards to assist in climbing. This tale originates from the fact that the male ostrich will dig a large hole (up to 6 to 8 feet wide and 2-3 feet deep) in the sand for the nest / eggs. In addition, children still catch wild turtles and lizards and bring them home to keep as pets. Why keep venomous snakes or dangerous animals as pets. Found a zoological report that said that they are actually shyer than you would think and avoid humans. Guys I got 2 Turtles, and i badly want to know how to prevent their Disease to spread… Plz do consider it! It’s common sense. Seeing the little ones when I lived in the southern US was enough for me. These animals are unfairly stereotyped. The larger varieties of Kinkajous can reach a weight of up to 18 pounds, and attain a body length of about 25 inches. Now, marmosets and capuchins… Are you aware that these monkeys are extremely intelligent, social, and friendly? Also, right, because the person above backed up his argument with tons of facts… sure. The snake would literally turn and run away from any live animal that got near her face. Find me a fatal kinkajou attack, or hell an attack not involving a complete idiot (I count children as complete idiots and should not be allowed to handle exotics anyways). But again it’s the cute ones. The dog also lost an ear and an eye in the process. Lets just say if you feed them rabbits, they would have no problem with getting themselves around a dog or a cat even. I’ve worked with plenty of kinkajous. Dogs and domestic livestock, of course, cause far more injuries and deaths than all exotics combined yet no one demonizes them so broadly. The latter are animals that inject their poison into their prey through fangs, claws or a stinger. Let me tell you a little story: Dog bites and attacks account for MUCH more injury and death annually than the animals on your list… combined. This is pretty much an obvious one. If you look closely you will see that this species has enormous shield like claws. I mean, would you stick your hand in a toilet you just crapped in then lick it? They hide their heads in the ground right. Bubble Gun Blower for Kids - Non-Toxic Bubble Blower with 2 Bubble Solutions - Mini Hand-Held Machine with 4 Wands for Blowing Bubbles - Bubble Toys for Parties, Camping, Outdoor Activities. The oldest recorded kinkajou was a 40 years old male named Sugar Bear at the Honolulu zoo. There is a myth that skinks lick. The purchase of such a pet should never be taken lightly: One should always plan to be keeping the animal at its largest and should be prepared to make appropriate living quarters for the animal. 8) Scorpions: The most common scorpion in the pet trade is the Emperor Scorpion, whose venom has very low potency. Description WE HAVE JUVENILE KINKAJOUS FOR SALE. Despite this ban, such turtles are available from pet stores, flea markets, street vendors, and online stores. and wolves (you could argue that it's not really exotic since the domestic dog is technically a wolf, but still dangerous)? In fact, my pet RETICULATED PYTHON was the most gentle, dependable, and predictable of them all! Of course the poor thing freaked out, their natural environment isn’t the mall!! I wish we had a ‘stupid test’. The Canadian Museum informs us: "If threatened while sitting on the nest, which is simply a cavity scooped in the earth, the hen presses her long neck flat along the ground, blending with the background. I want a small adult to put in a pond when I grow up!! Oh, and if you didn’t know, camels like to spit too. Oddly enough, I’ve been able to handle all but one wild Texas brown tarantulas that I’ve encountered with ease and no splinters. I have a week immune system and at no point did I ever have any sort of infection caused by salmonella. Yet rottweilers didn’t make the list? This is because they are safe from predators, and have access to medical care. Getting in the middle of an ostrich stampede just doesn’t sound like my idea of a really good time.”. Never once did she try to bite me, and I could have her out around ANY of my pets–even her own food items (rats, rabbits)–Because I started her on pre-killed food from the start. i very much disagree for you placing the kinkajou at number one Paris Hilton was not treating that animal how it should be treated they are not supposed to be up and about during the day they can get rather cranky im pretty sure you’d be a little snappy if someone stuffed you in a bad while you’re supposed to be asleep and no you cant “train” them to change there sleeping schedule, they are very very loving animals and also can be frightened easily so everything that happened to her is completely her fault not the animals and they shouldn’t be given a bad wrap because some blonde idiot thought she could turn an exotic pet into a shopping buddy. Another arm go back to my comments about the scorpions, bizarre, are kinkajous poisonous, ergo no. 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