Third, foliar Zn applications could make up a larger proportion of future Zn fertiliser-use, especially if it is applied in conjunction with pesticide sprays to minimise additional costs of application (Wang et al. If all wheat was fertilised with Zn, we project that dietary Zn supply would increase from 12.6 and 12.8 mg capita 2015). Available online: [accessed April 2015], Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO; 2015) FAOSTAT food balance sheets. A recent survey on the potential of iodine biofortification strategies in Uganda showed that despite some awareness among parents and school authorities of the essential role of adequate iodine for health, and salt iodisation programmes, there was little awareness of the potential role iodine biofortified foods could play (De Steur et al. EDTA Chelated Zinc – 9% Supplier And Distributor. In addition to yield increases in the year of Zn fertiliser application, there may be beneficial residual effects of Zn fertilisers for subsequent crops for three or more years (NFDC 1998; Singh and Shivay 2013; Manzeke et al. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2013) National nutrient database for standard reference, release 26. 20% Derived from leonardite. National Fertilizer Development Centre (NFDC; 1998) Micronutrients in Agriculture: Pakistan Perspective. Q: What is the cost of your products 9 A: We have many products and many formulations. Input costs for Zn were assumed to be US$ 1600 t −1 ZnSO 4 .H 2 O (2015 value; Munir H. Zia, personal communication). Furthermore, there may be additional micronutrient deficiencies that could be addressed through agronomic approaches, e.g. $29.99 $ 29. 2.4 Amino aid chelated zinc can enhance function of resistance. doi:10.1007/s11104-016-2815-3, Singh A, Shivay YS (2013) Residual effect of summer green manure crops and Zn fertilization on quality and Zn concentration of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) PubMed  Fauji and Engro are likely to represent >50 % of the current Zn fertiliser market in Pakistan. . 2012) and 10–11 % from applications of Zn fertilisers to maize, rice and wheat in a recent global literature review (Joy et al. Ultrasol® High Acid Plus. Ultrasol® Greenhouse Plus. Zinc fertiliser use in Pakistan by District. The micronutrients or trace minerals: boron (B), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and selenium Pakarab Fertilizers Limited produces Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), Nitro Phosphate (NP) and Urea and has a monopoly in the production of CAN and NP. . 5; Joy et al. Yield-response of wheat to Zn applications. and Zn4, 200mg zinc nano chelated fertilizers foliar application per 1000 liter water. The word chelated is derived from the Greek word for “Claw”. Zinc 9% . 2). Physiol Plant 151:208–229. Storage condition: It should be stored in a cool dry place, and tie tightly after opening. Increased grain Zn concentrations under Zn fertilisation were estimated from literature data and converted to improved Zn intake in humans and ultimately a reduction in DALYs lost. In Punjab and Sindh, 14.4 and 23.2 % of farmers, respectively, reported using Zn fertilisers on wheat. Asking consumers to pay a premium for wheat grain with increased concentrations of Zn is perhaps more challenging. For example, the 2011 Pakistan National Nutrition Survey Report (NNS 2011) reported that 42 % (n = 5953) and 48 % (n = 791) of non-pregnant and pregnant women respectively and 37 % (n = 2499) of children <5 years were Zn-deficient, based on having plasma Zn concentrations <60 μg Zn dL−1. the leaves form close together in a cluster instead of being spread out between nodes in a healthy plant. Zinc is necessary for starch formation and proper root development. CROP CHOICE carries liquid EDTA Chelated Zn – 9% Fertilizer in bulk.. While our framework to value fertiliser-based approaches to alleviating dietary mineral deficiencies provides a strong initial argument for pursuing such approaches further, based on economic and cost-effectiveness considerations, we acknowledge that attention should be paid to ensure that: (1) the increased Zn supply through cereals is sufficiently bioavailable to have a dietary impact (e.g. Thus, the weighted mean increase in grain Zn concentration under Zn fertilisation was assumed to be 32.2 %, giving a concentration of Zn-fertilised wheat grain of 31.2 mg kg−1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION EDTA CHELATED ZINC (Zn) – 9% LIQUID is a fully chelated form of zinc stable in 100% orthophosphate fertilizers. The value of increasing Zn fertiliser-use from this baseline was estimated using scenario changes combined with explicit assumptions described below. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 25 September 2015. 2015b). To our knowledge, this is the first study that has combined both yield and health-based valuations to quantify the benefits of an increased projected supply of micronutrients through fertilisers. Google Scholar, Fiedler JL, Lividini K, Kabaghe G, Zulu R, Tehinse J, Bermudez OI, Jallier V, Guyondet C (2013) Assessing Zambia’s industrial fortification options: getting beyond changes in prevalence and cost-effectiveness. Maize is a high nutrient demanding and zinc responsive crop. (g, h) Benefit-Cost-Ratios for Zn use on wheat based on the ratio of return per unit input cost; lines labelled as described previously. The use of Zn fertilisers can also increase Zn concentration in the endosperm of cereal-grains, thereby reducing risks to consumers of dietary Zn deficiency (Cakmak 2009; White and Broadley 2009, 2011; Cakmak et al. We therefore assumed that granular fertilisers increased grain Zn concentration by 19 %, from a baseline of 23.6 mg kg−1 (i.e. 0-0-0 . Sindh. NACHURS EDTA Chelated Zinc for the prevention and correction of micronutrient deficiency. Each chelate compound delivers a different amount of ion and is effective at different pH levels. It surround the inorganicRead more haqborthers . et al. ELA and MJW are funded by the British Geological Survey, part of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Both estimates assume a national population-weighted Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) of 10.4 mg Zn capita doi:10.1017/S1368980007223857, United Nations (UN; 2015) Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. doi:10.1016/S0378-4290(98)00139-7, Article  NFDC Publication No. Combining yield and health-based valuations of an increased supply of micronutrients that is delivered through fertilisers has not previously been attempted to our knowledge. For example, in a review of field studies in Pakistan, an application of 5 kg ha−1 (i.e. The value of one DALY was monetised using multiples of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, converted to International Dollars (I$) based on purchasing power parity (GNIPPP). An I$ has the equivalent purchasing power as a US$ dollar in the US based on the 2011 International Comparison Program. This represents a potential increase in the monetary value of Punjab’s wheat harvest from US$ 9300 M to US$ 10,000 M (Fig. A projected increase in wheat yield in Punjab from 4.0 to 4.3 t ha−1 would translate to an overall increase in production from 29.9 to 32.0 Mt y−1 (Fig. Brief Description Detailed Information. However, Zn fertilisers are underutilised in many countries despite the widespread occurrence of Zn-deficient soils. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. 95. 6f). Chelated Zinc EDTA is highly efficient and available to support plant growth, resulting in higher yields. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS . 2015a; Ram et al. Agrow Industries is located in pakistan, we are the rock phosphate, humic acid 50% w/w, zinc sulphate, chelated zinc, npk supplier. CHENGDU CHELATION BIOLOGY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., , 69-B COMMERCIAL CENTRE GULISTAN COLONY NO.2 MILLAT CHOWK FAISALABAD. Chelated zinc is a type of zinc supplement. ltd , r … Data are from 1193 and 1338 farmers in Punjab and Sindh Provinces, respectively, from a survey conducted in early 2015 from 2014 harvest data (Waqar Ahmad, personal communication, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, Islamabad). Korban-Zn can be used with fertilizer applications, including in-furrow starter fertilizers as well as fertilizers containing phosphate and micronutrients. 2. Given the projected increase in dietary Zn supply, the number of DALYs lost annually due to Zn deficiency would decrease from 174 k to 94 k in Punjab, and from 72 k to 42 k in Sindh. EDTA-Ca-10 Calcium Disodium Complex powder chelated fertilizer. This discrepancy is likely to be due to: (1) an over-estimate of dietary Zn supply, considering the use of USDA food composition data for food items other than wheat and considering that food supply data does not account for household-level wastage; (2) the assumption of a 25 % coefficient of variation in dietary Zn intakes may underestimate the inequality of access to food due to socio-economic or social exclusion factors (Joy et al. The NFDC was set up by the Government of Pakistan in 1977, with support from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN, the Governments of Norway, the Netherlands and other international donors ( There is clearly scope for farmers to pay for Zn fertilisers based on yield-related BCRs. This included 8 kt of sulphate of potash (SOP; K2SO4; ~0:0:50), 3.6 kt of muriate of potash (MOP; KCl; ~0:0:60), and the rest as NPK fertilisers. 2012). However, Zn fertilisers remain little utilised globally, and approximately half of all soils used for cereal production are likely to be Zn deficient (Cakmak et al. Glob Food Sec 3:193–199. Read More . Dwarf leaves – also called “little leaf”. Baseline assumptions for yield and health-based valuations were made using recent data from Pakistan for: (1) dietary Zn supply from wheat, grown with and without Zn fertilisers; (2) current Zn fertiliser practices and costs; (3) wheat production statistics and support prices; (4) estimated disease burden in terms of lost DALYs due to Zn deficiency. grain y−1 in Punjab and Sindh, respectively, representing an additional return of US$ >800 M and an annual increased grain supply of 19 kg capita Environ Earth Sci 73:7995–8008. Each of the ligands (Table 1) can form a chelated fertilizer with one or more micronutrients. For example, wheat yields increased from ~2 t ha−1 at the lowest N application rates, to 4.4 and 3.9 t ha−1 at an application rate of 92 kg N ha−1. This is based on FAO Food Balance Sheets for 2010 (FAO 2015), which report a supply of 311 g capita Using a mean grain Zn concentration value of 24.9 mg kg−1 represents a supply of 7.1 mg Zn capita Boxes represent the middle two quartiles; whiskers represent the 95 % confidence limits; outliers circled. Over the past two decades, we have made a reputable name in the market and have extensive distributorship of our products all across the country, especially Punjab and Sindh. H2O; 0:46:0) or NPK sources. 6h). Part of Springer Nature. Productos relacionados. In Punjab, 1021 and 172 farmers reported zero-Zn (−Zn) and Zn fertiliser use (+Zn), respectively. Zinc fertiliser use in Pakistan by District. However, greater yields would also likely increase the consumption of wheat both directly and indirectly via livestock. Fifth, with yield increases, there is likely to be greater food consumption per se which is not accounted for in this study, although yield increases are likely to be minimal under foliar applications of Zn fertilisers (Joy et al. The difference between availability and offtake is the amount carried forward into the next fiscal year, i.e. However, if multiples of the per capita income are used to estimate BCRs for reducing the number of DALYs lost each year, then the potential public health benefits of projected increases in Zn fertiliser-use far exceed returns that result from increased yields. J Agric Food Chem 58:9092–9102. −1 across Punjab and Sindh which would improve general food security in terms of energy supply. 2015). We as per the expertise of our experts have made sure that all our products are of best quality therefore, the offered range of Chelated Micronutrient Fertilizer that has been as per the legit composition. Recent published estimates of dietary energy supply from wheat, rice and other main food sources were obtained from Kumssa et al. H2O equivalents, containing ~33 % Zn) increased grain yields of wheat by >10 %, at a mean BCR of 7:1 (range 1.3–11:1; NFDC 1998). 2001). This additional potential benefit is not factored into the current analysis. −1 d−1 in 2010 (Kumssa et al. The fertilizer has enhanced the role of resistance. Zinc Sulphates We are the manufacturers of Zinc Sulphate 12%, 10%, 8%, 5%(Aquous solutions), Zinc Sulphate Hepta Hydrate 21%, Zinc Sulphate Mono Hydrate 33% and Chelated Zinc. 6e, f). Google Scholar, Cakmak I (2008) Enrichment of cereal grains with zinc: agronomic or genetic biofortification? Thus, we adjusted estimates of dietary Zn supply, using data from grain samples of wheat grown in Pakistan on soils of contrasting Zn status. GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Zinc (Zn) 9% Chelated Zinc (Zn) 9.0% Derived from Zinc EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetate) One gallon of Zinc 9% weighs 11 lbs. However, consumers’ willingness-to-pay for iodine biofortified vegetables is likely to increase in parallel with awareness of their potential health benefits (Mogendi et al. Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. Zinc Chelate is also highly efficient at correcting crop deficiencies quickly and is ideal for maintenance applications before deficiencies appear, in a normal program. The DTPA extraction quantifies a labile fraction of soil zinc comprising water soluble, exchangeable, adsorbed, chelated, and some occluded zinc. Ultrasol® Premium. . A/RES/70/1. Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel St, London, WC1E 7HT, UK, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, NARC Premises, Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan, Research & Development Section, Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Loughborough, LE12 5RD, UK, Munir H. Zia, Diriba B. Kumssa, Scott D. Young & Martin R. Broadley, Inorganic Geochemistry, Centre for Environmental Geochemistry, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, UK, Munir H. Zia, Diriba B. Kumssa, E. Louise Ander & Michael J. Watts, Agricultural Economist, Brussels, Belgium, You can also search for this author in Input costs for Zn were assumed to be US$ 1600 t−1 ZnSO4.H2O (2015 value; Munir H. Zia, personal communication). 2% Chelated Zinc (Zn) Derived from potassium hydroxide, zinc EDTA, zinc IDS and zinc sulfate. and contains 0.99 lbs. Soil organic matter holds zinc in a chelated form. a, b, data for Engro Fertilizer Ltd. for 2012/13 (NFDC 2013). 1). In 2012/13, total fertiliser availability was 3865 kilotonnes (kt; NFDC 2013). May be harmful if swallowed. Google Scholar. The mean wheat yield without Zn fertilisers was 4.0 and 3.1 t ha−1 in Punjab and Sindh Provinces, respectively (Fig. (a, b) Dietary Zn supply from all food sources; (c, d) total wheat yield. Our complete range of products along with available packing is as follows. This represents an area-normalised potential yield increase of 9 % for Punjab and Sindh combined. For complete dosage, recommendation, storage and other details, please read the product label thoroughly. New Phytol 173:677–702. 2015a, b; Kuper et al. Agri-Zinc is a high-quality Zinc (13.99%) product chelated and buffered with 5.4% fulvic acid and an organic base containing a diverse array of micro- organisms. Boxes represent the middle two quartiles; whiskers represent the 95 % confidence limits; outliers circled. To estimate the value of potential increased Zn fertiliser usage, an instantaneous, area-based approach was adopted, with no time dimension or discounting factors. Zinc fertilisers are used most widely in Punjab and Sindh, with limited use elsewhere in Pakistan (Fig. May cause irritation of nose, throat, or skin. This chelated iron spray filled with nutrients should not replace your regular fertilizer. Google Scholar, Alloway BJ (2008) Zinc in soils and crop nutrition, 2nd edn. Baseline data for on-farm Zn fertiliser-use were obtained for Punjab and Sindh from a survey of >2500 farmers taken in early 2015 (Waqar Ahmad, personal communication, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, Islamabad). The use of DALYs allows health losses due to morbidity, injury and mortality to be expressed in a single metric. 2006); (2) EARs are not over-estimated for the target population; (3) toxicity risks can be excluded; (4) the increased Zn supply does not exacerbate other micronutrient deficiencies or diseases; (5) decision-makers evaluate available options to improve public health and nutrition on a case-by-case basis to optimise the policy mix both in terms of targeting and budgetary considerations; (6) sufficient attention is paid to generate and use accurate baseline data, at sufficiently high geospatial resolution, of the nutritional composition of soils, crops and food, and of the nutritional needs of people. Yield-responses of wheat to N (urea) and P2O5 (di-ammonium phosphate, DAP) applications. These fertilizers are widely supplied to agriculture sector for improvising the soil fertility and crop yield. Field Crop Res 184:58–64. 4). These BCRs are based on 2015 prices of US$ 1600 t−1 for ZnSO4.H2O and a wheat support price of US$ 312 t−1. 2013/14. Increases in wheat grain Zn concentration as a result of foliar- or soil-applied/granular Zn fertilisers compared to unfertilised controls. J Trace Elem Med Bio 20:49–57. However, residual effects are likely to provide benefits for several years for both wheat and other crops (NFDC 1998; Singh and Shivay 2013; Manzeke et al. Pakistan Water Soluble Fertilizer, Pakistan Fertilizer, Karachi Fertilizer, Karachi Water Soluble Fertilizer, Pakistan Fertigation, Pakistan Foliar Fertilizer, Karachi Foliar Fertilizer. The granular:foliar Zn fertiliser-use ratio of ~0.7:0.3, based on current industry estimates, was assumed to remain constant. (2015b) estimated that foliar Zn application to 75 % of cereals in 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa could increase Zn intakes by ~1.0 mg Zn capita doi:10.1016/j.jtemb.2009.05.002, Cakmak I, Kalayci M, Ekiz H, Braun HJ, Kilinç Y, Yilmaz A (1999) Zinc deficiency as a practical problem in plant and human nutrition in Turkey: a NATO-science for stability project. Zinc sulfate, ammoniated zinc, and chelated zinc are three fertilizer options. 2012; IHME 2014; UNDP 2013). 6a, b). Our analysis shows there are likely to be substantial financial returns from an increase in Zn fertiliser-use in Pakistan, in terms of both yield and public health benefits. 2015b; Fig. As such, the cost per DALY saved is well below the average per capita income in Pakistan and therefore Zn fertilisation in Punjab and Sindh can be considered a cost-effective public health intervention by WHO standards (WHO 2001). Edward J. M. Joy, Waqar Ahmad, Munir H. Zia, Diriba B. Kumssa, Martin R. Broadley Contributed equally to this paper. as discussed by Chilimba et al. For example, soils of the Indus Plains of Pakistan are mostly derived from calcareous parent material from the Himalayas, which is deposited as alluvial material by the Indus River and its tributaries, or as loess deposits in the northern parts of the Indus Plains (FAO 1973). doi:10.1016/j.appet.2015.05.038, PubMed  These factors tend to restrict the phyto-availability of Zn and other elements such as boron (B), thereby limiting crop yields in the absence of their fertilisers. 1). PAKISTAN. In this way, data were obtained from Fig. Sulfates are the most commonly applied inorganic zinc fertilizer. 2.3 zinc fertilizer can make content of RNA in the body content increased, and promote plant 's growth and development. −1 d−1 after correcting for edible portion (Supplementary Table 1). Telephone 92-213-4860436 Address 318 Ground Floor,, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. We bring to you the highest quality European farm inputs by introducing Neufarm products in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Fiedler et al. Furthermore micronutrients requirements are met with products such as NeuCombi containing boron, zinc, copper, iron, in addition to manganese. 2.2K likes. Wash hands, face … The current study demonstrates the benefit of dietary supplementation with amino acid-chelated zinc on the growth of L. vannamei. Ultrasol® Super Foliar. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.01996.x, CAS  Government of Pakistan. There is also evidence of an unwillingness to pay for Zn fertilisers due to mistrust of product quality and labelling (NFDC 1998). 23.9 % in Pakistan zinc nano Chelated fertilizers chelated zinc fertilizer in pakistan application per 1000 liter water perhaps challenging! Global Administrative areas ( GADM ) database ( http: // [ accessed November 2013 ] Rawalpindi ) fertiliser (. 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