The results of the Studies have also indicated, that this plant may represent a promising approach for the prevention and treatment of obesity-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. It can help you strengthen your bones and teeth and won’t give you fat. If you don’t want to eat a cup of bitter leaves, you can add them to your morning smoothie or salad. Whether it’s from too much treat foods or weekly green juice detox day, we use dandelion tea to help reinforce the troops doing their job to rebalance the system. They contain nature’s highest level of vitamin A, as well as many B vitamins important for energy metabolism. Stir in vinegar and salt and pepper. Diuretics are substances that promote diuresis, the increased production of urine. Staff Reporter Sep 25, ... - Make a dandelion green salad mixed with other tender leafy greens to offset the bitters with more bland flavors and textures. Hundreds of species of dandelion grow in the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. Dandelion green are a good source of iron, calcium and manganese. Promote Eye Health. These greens also help in detoxifying the body, regulating diabetic symptoms and digestion, and strengthening bones, among others. Dandelion tea is a powerful detoxifier that can cause discomfort in the liver or kidneys. See more ideas about dandelion benefits, health remedies, health. Although further research is needed, one study demonstrated that dandelion extract may strongly act against HIV-1 (4). Vitamin A is critical for maintaining healthy eyesight and also helps prevent premature skin aging. Also, it has an antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In fact, people have used the plant to help treat ailments for several centuries. Improves Liver Health Dandelion root protects the liver from toxins with its powerful antioxidants. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
Dandelion may also help improve the immune system. In addition, the roots include many beneficial and valuable substances that have a overall strengthening effect on the body, such as up to 15% protein, inulin, 10% glycoside taraxacin, unsaturated acids and bitter substances. You’ll get 112 or 144 percent of the daily value (DV) … Dandelions have a decent amount of calcium, with just 1 cup … We get ours from our local grocery stores, Whole Foods, or Amazon.</p>. Various acids necessary for organism (eg amino acids and fatty acids). Because dandelion is a diuretic, it helps to detoxify your body, especially the liver, and it also boosts the immune system. Because of its high iron and zinc content, it is used to support the treatment of anemia. The entire plant dandelion plant is edible, beneficial useful for numerous ailments. With its anti-inflammatory properties, dandelion health and skin benefits are surprisingly diverse and numerous. For safety, always ask your doctor before giving supplements to a child of taking them yourself. For more info on dandelion tea, you may enjoy this article. Hopefully, further studies will likewise confirm that this so-called “garden weed” is also … See the Dandelion products availability online. Dandelion Is a Beautiful Flowering Plant, Usually Found in a Wild Habitat. amzn_assoc_region = "US";
This form of cancer usually affects older people (8). The leaves are high in fiber, which helps improve bowel function. It’s believed the plant was brought over on the Mayflower intentionally specifically for its healing powers. The root of the dandelion plant may act as a mild laxative and has been used to improve digestion. Make sure to serve these dandelion greens right after tossing them in the warm garlic-infused vinaigrette. HEALTH BENEFITS OF DANDELION. One research indicates that dandelion extracts, especially leaf and flower extracts, may protect against UVB damage from sunlight which may lead to photoaging (7). See more ideas about dandelion recipes, dandelion, dandelion leaves. The dandelion plant was brought to North America by our European ancestors and used for centuries by Native Americans as well as in traditional Chinese medicine. Here’s that recipe in another format, should it be easier for you to download: Hello! If you really want to know more about me, you can check our ‘About’ page. The greens are also an excellent diuretic, helping to flush out those toxins from liver, kidneys and elsewhere in the body. Skin Care. Let us know if you liked the post. Dandelion Tea. Dandelion greens are jam-packed with vitamin A, fulfilling 112 percent of the daily requirements in each cup. Dandelion Greens Benefits The notable health benefits of dandelion greens include regulating blood pressure and lowering inflammation. Dandelion health benefits. Studies have revealed that dandelion can be an anti-inflammatory agent. You can find dandelion herbs and roots fresh or dried in a variety of forms, including tinctures, liquid extract, teas, tablets, and capsules. If you have digestive problems or you need to get rid of toxins, the dandelion tea may be exactly what your doctor prescribes as a herbal remedy. Studies have found that dandelion extract has an antiviral and antimicrobial effect, thus, making it an antibacterial agent. BUT, caution: dandelion tea is a powerful detox brew that can cause pain and discomfort as a part of the detox process, especially in the lower back area of the kidneys. Some scientists have suggested that the diuretic activity of this plant may be due to the high potassium content of the leaves and roots. The information provided here is for informational purposes only, so do not consider it as health care or medical diagnosis and treatment. In the first part of this series, I talked about some of the incredible cost and health benefits of eating dandelions as well as how to harvest various components of this common weed including dandelion leaves, greens, flowers, and roots.. Leaves are bitter but perfectly edible. However anti-inflammatory effect is not the only benefit of the dandelion. This mighty root boosts immune system and improves blood. Therefore, the authors of this study suggest that dandelion root extract could be a non-toxic and efficient anti-cancer alternative, instrumental for reducing the occurrence of cancer cells drug-resistance (. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0";
The micronutrients found in dandelion leaves can be juiced or enjoyed as a salad. The dark brown roots are fleshy and brittle and are filled with a white milky substance that is bitter and slightly smelly.,Dandelion%20has%20estrogenic%20activity.,,, Nutrition Per Serving (174g-wt. The first health benefit of dandelion root is that it can improve your bone health. In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion is used to encourage liver health, … I’m the owner of this site and a few others that I run along with my entrepreneurial family in areas that interest us, because we love to create and we love to share! It’s diuretic properties work … Dandelion can also improve the functions of the liver, making it an outstanding detoxifier because of its high lecithin content. It provides minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Many … Roasting dandelion root is really easy. The whole plant, involving the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers, is safe to eat and beneficial. Dandelion Salad Recipes. Dandelion is a source of fibres and vitamins A, C, K, E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins. We get our dandelion greens from three places: Whole Foods typically has organic dandelion greensHarris Teeter, our regional grocery chain here in NCFarmers Markets, some specialty growers provide theseOur own garden; yes! The herb also helps the liver rid itself of stored fats. The dandelion botanical name “Taraxacum officinale” speaks for its usefulness and refers to the healing effect. Dandelion salad with balsamic dressing and roasted hazelnuts is one of our all time favorites. Sugars (eg inulin – which is necessary to form fructose). They increase bile flow in the liver, which promotes digestion of fats and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K and E. Nutrients in a 100 gram / 3.5 oz (approx. Dandelion, (taraxacum officinale), flowers and even the roots have been used for centuries in herbal teas as a medicinal plant. The green part of the plant still packs all the health benefits of dandelion that you find in tea, but in a much more versatile product that lacks the potential, although infrequent and mild, dandelion root side effects found in the sub terra firma part of the plant. Preliminary animal studies suggest that dandelion may help normalize blood sugar levels and lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol in diabetic mice. 10 Health Benefits of Dandelions. But this study was not well designed. Serve immediately. Some researchers theorize that dandelion’s ability to improve carbohydrate metabolism and reduce fat absorption may lead to weight loss. Derived from the French … Namely, ‘Taraxacum’ comes from the Greek and means ‘anti-inflammatory’ and ‘officinale’ refers to the common name for herbs. These greens also help in detoxifying the body, regulating diabetic symptoms and digestion, and strengthening bones, among others.,positive%20effect%20on%20blood%20sugar. The plants have deeply-notched, toothy, spatula-like leaves that are shiny and hairless. NB! Animal studies have found that dandelion has a protective effect on liver tissue in the presence of toxic substances and stress. 6 Health Benefits of Dandelion Coffee 1. It can improve bone health and promote weight loss. I’m LeAura, a former homeschooling mom, fitness professional, entrepreneur, author, ideator, web publisher, and podcaster, passionate about helping others achieve their best possible life! Dandelion stems are capped by bright yellow flowers. However, Dr. Hamm warns that the root extract can negatively affect the effects of chemotherapy. Image of benefits, garden, food - 178967760 That’s the only way we can improve. A virtual pharmacopeial treasure chest, dandelions are known as a digestive supporting herb. For these reasons, you should take herbs under the supervision of a health care provider. The leaves are used to stimulate the appetite and help digestion. Benefits 1. The leaves are used to stimulate the appetite and help digestion. Roughly chop remaining greens and transfer to a large salad bowl. In the West, the dandelion became known as a medicinal plant around the 10th and 11th centuries, when an Arab healer wrote about the usefulness of this plant in his medical journal. After perusing nutrition studies and journals, here are some of the health benefits of dandelion I’ve come across: Full of Nutrients. Roots are usually dried, ground and consumed as a tea or extract. The human body produces free radicals naturally, but … Dandelions are more nutritious than spinach, have 25 times the vitamin A of tomato juice, and are a good source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, lecithin, and vitamins C,B, and E. For many early settlers, dandelions made a life-saving spring tonic. However, herbs can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is the unassuming powerhouse of herbal medicine.Often mischaracterized as a weed, dandelion (the leaf in particular) is packed with beneficial nutrients that allow it to make substantial, positive contributions toward supporting good health. They are also anti swelling agents. It’s best to dig up the root in the spring, which is when the roots have the most nutrients. People with kidney problems, gallbladder problems, or gallstones should consult their doctors before eating dandelion. BONE HEALTH: It is rich in calcium which is essential for the growth and strength of bones and they are rich in anti-oxidants like Vitamin C … This tiny weed has been used in herbal medicine to treat liver disorders, cellulite, and used as food. The plant received its name from the shape of its leaves. Health Benefits of Dandelion for Bones: Dandelions are high in calcium, which is essential for bones, and vitamin C and luteolin, which protect bones from breaking in old age. Natural Remedies for Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Dandelion is a source of fibres and vitamins A, C, K, E, folate and small amounts of other B vitamins. The leaves of young dandelion plants, whether fresh or dried, make a strong sharp tea. In addition, this plant can cause cardiac arrhythmias, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Dandelions have a long history of helping ease problems of the liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts. The leaves are also high in vitamin A – one cup contains 100% of your daily requirement. For more on how these amazing plants help heal and serve us you may also enjoy this article. You can consume both the root of the dandelion as well as the greens. The bitter ingredients in dandelion flowers are extremely beneficial to the body by stimulating the activity of the stomach and digestive glands, thus promoting the digestion of food. Dandelion root is enriched with dietary fiber making it helpful for digestion and intestinal health. Dandelion has been recommended to use as a diuretic. While dandelions are likely less than welcome on your lawn during the warmer months, they should be more than welcome on your plate. Once introduced in Europe, dandelion became a valued medicinal plant throughout Europe. Although further studies on this topic are necessarily needed, one study suggested that dandelion extract could engage and successfully target multiple vulnerabilities of cancer cells. However, the root contains the most active ingredients just at the time of flowering. Benefits of Dandelion Tea You can find exotic herbs for the liver all around the world but, hands down, my favorite liver all-star is the sun of the grasslands: dandelion. Studies have shown that dandelion root extract may work very effectively on cancer cells (4). Meanwhile, if you’re into gardening, you can see our gardening site, And, if you’re into creating anything, please visit our creators site, Typically made from the root of the dandelion plant, dandelion teas have become so popular that you can even find them at most local grocers. Here’s a list of benefits of dandelion. at First, It Might Not Appear Particularly as an Edible Plant, but Consuming a Dandelion Can Have Various Health Benefits. Do not consider this information as a guarantee of the results you want to achieve. amzn_assoc_linkid = "1db0d33ed209a6678c808c2bcc6781ff";,Conclusions,therapeutic%20efficacy%20of%20Taraxacum%20officinale. According to Dr. Carolyn Hamm from the Windsor Regional Cancer Center in Ontario, Canada – dandelion root extract surprisingly helped her chronic chronic myelomonocytic leukemia patient. Researchers need to see if dandelion will work in people. Most scientific studies of dandelion have been in animals, not people. This superpalnt is also available in dietary supplemental forms, such as extracts, tinctures and capsules, see the availability online. The liver produces bile in the digestive system and also filters blood from chemicals and other impurities. Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties. Great for Kidney; Dandelion leaves can replace some lost potassium while helping your kidney function. A cup of dandelion greens supplies rich amounts of vitamins that are key to overall good health. 9 Health Benefits of Dandelion. The plant can be used as nourishing food as well as a potent medicine. This helps to keep the liver healthy and functioning properly. An example of the latter is that only recently scientists have started to explore the anti-cancer benefits of dandelions, and in-vitro studies have already confirmed that a concentrated dandelion extract can eradicate melanoma and pancreatic cancer cells in a petri dish. CORDYCEPS – 14 Health Benefits Backed by Science, FREE RADICAL DAMAGE – 22 Diseases Caused By Free Radicals. Dandelion flowers open with the sun in the morning and close in the evening or during gloomy weather. Dandelion greens nutrition facts. Therefore, the authors of this study suggest that dandelion root extract could be a non-toxic and efficient anti-cancer alternative, instrumental for reducing the occurrence of cancer cells drug-resistance (4). We haven’t created our family publishing company site yet, but as soon as we do we’ll link that here. Here are 13 potential health benefits of dandelion, … Dandelion greens are jam-packed with vitamin A, fulfilling 112 percent of the daily requirements in each cup. 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