Chairman Costello, Congressman Petri, and Members of the Subcommittee: Thank you for inviting me here today to update you on the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) efforts to improve runway safety. The Office of Runway Safety publishes this annual . The Aviation Safety Reporting System captures confidential reports, analyzes the resulting data, and disseminates vital information to the aviation community. The FAA Hotline accepts reports concerning the safety of the National Airspace System, violation of a Federal Aviation Regulation (Title 14 CFR), aviation safety issues, and reports related to FAA employees or FAA facilities.The FAA Hotline provides a single venue for FAA employees, the aviation community and the public to file their reports. The Runway Safety Accident Analysis Report (pdf) provides an overview of 2010-2014 accidents occurred in the runway environment area, including runway excursions, runway collision, undershoot / overshoot, tailstrike and hard landing events. HOUSE COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON AVIATION, SEPTEMBER 25, 2008. On the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) website, a runway incursion is defined as “any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and takeoff of aircraft.” These occurrences, which include wrong runway landings and takeoffs, remain a top airport safety concern for the FAA. In the Airport view of TFMSC, the Show Total Report and Show Daily Averages Report provide data about departures, arrivals, and departure and arrival seats for the largest airports (approximately 1000) in the U.S. . The FAA has claimed that runway incursions, an incident when an aircraft or vehicle is on a runway when it is not supposed to be, have been decreasing over the past few years. Find one near you. For information about how to create a report in the Airport view, see the TFMSC Manual.. Field definitions are available in Definitions of Variables. Strong partnerships within the aviation community, continued collaboration with stakeholders, and a clear vision of the Because of the significant number of identified relevant event reports, the ASIAS center 2010 Runway Safety Report 3 FAA Initiatives to Improve Runway Safety The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the world’s most advanced and safest aviation system. Thousands of aviation safety seminars take place annually around the nation. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 1-866-TELL-FAA (1-866-835-5322) report to educate and inform all aviation stakehold-ers of the ongoing efforts to improve runway safety as part of its Runway Safety Management Strategy. Runway Safety Accident Analysis Report . RUNWAY SAFETY: AN UPDATE, BEFORE THE . The 2009 FAA Annual Runway Safety Report presents the FAA’s progress towards the Flight Plan goals and performance targets for runway safety. ... We are excited to report that 43,227 pilots have earned at least one phase in the WINGS - Pilot Proficiency Program, ... Federal Aviation Administration 800 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20591 1-866-TELL-FAA (1-866-835-5322) Following the Comair accident, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) center initiated a preliminary review of several databases to determine the extent of the wrong runway departure issue. We maintain the Airport Safety Database that is comprised of data from five sources: the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigation reports, FAA Runway Safety Office Runway Incursion Database (RWS), Pilot Deviation System (PDS), and Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviation System (VPDS).
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