However, its low productivity coupled with a high population growth is a serious threat for food security (FAO, 2015). Fall armyworm can be one of the more difficult insect pests to control in field corn. There was no significant difference in FAW infestation between climate‐smart and conventional PPT. Fall armyworm is a polyphagous insect, with more than 80 host species, that causes severe damage to economically important crops (Goergen et al., 2016; Roger et al., 2017). This study did not compare yield differences and hence further research is needed to determine the impact. FAW has spread across all of sub-Saharan Africa, the Near East and Asia. Data were analyzed using STATA (version 13) by generating proportions of infestation of the FAW. Let us know if you liked the post. Pay attention to the risk indications and follow the safety precautions on the label. Figure 2. From this study it was possible to filter three sets of comparisons, the PPT, maize intercropped with leguminous crops, and mono‐cropped maize; and highlight distinct differences among them for management of pest complex of maize (Fig. It is regarded as a pest and can damage and destroy a wide variety of crops, which causes large economic damage. and, (vi) mono‐cropped maize were evaluated on farm in six districts of Uganda in the 2017 short rains season. The best way to protect your maize crop is to scout early and treat early. Fall armyworm is the name commonly attributed to the larval stage of the moth Spodoptera frugiperda. It has already caused substantial damage … In this article, I will discuss important aspects of the fall armyworm’s life cycle, how to scout it and measures that can be used to control the pest. According to the biology of FAW, it does not diapause, and this implies that there will be a continuous population buildup and several generations can overlap within a single crop cycle when suitable conditions prevail. Virudhunagar district administration has come up with an integrated pest control measures to check the attack of Fall Armyworm in maize that has been spotted in different areas in … 2nd September 2017, Ill‐health in agroforestry a challenge in scaling up agroforestry innovations, Insect pests and beneficial arthropod population under different hedgerow intercropping systems in semiarid Kenya, First report of outbreaks of the fall armyworm, Integrated pest management: The push–pull approach for controlling insect pests and weeds of cereals, and its potential for other agricultural systems including animal husbandry, International Plant Biotechnology Outreach, Farmers’ perceptions of a ‘push‐pull’ technology for control of cereal stemborers and striga weed in western Kenya, Exploiting phytochemicals for developing a ‘push‐pull’ crop protection strategy for cereal farmers in Africa, The ‘push‐pull’ strategy for stemborer management: A case study exploiting biodiversity and chemical ecology. The FAW attack, according to official reports, has been reported from the state’s eastern districts such as Madhepura, Purnia, Bhagalpur, Saharsa and Khagaria. In conservation agriculture, where minimum tillage is practiced, infestation of maize by the FAW was reduced at seedling (three leaves) stage. Fall Armyworm Management by Maize Smallholders in Malawi: An Integrated Pest Management Strategic Plan. Maize crops are falling prey to the deadly Fall Armyworm (FAW) in Bihar, India’s third-largest corn producer. However, severity of infestation was lowest in climate‐smart PPT, and the differences were highly significant (P < 0.001) compared with maize intercropped with leguminous crops and mono‐cropped maize (Table 3). Moreover, it is already established that PPT technology can provide good control of complex pests, including cereal stemborer and striga, while improving soil fertility and providing high‐quality fodder. Identification. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a plant pest that can damage a wide variety of crops.The larvae predominantly feed on crops and pastures from the Poaceae (grass) family, in particular maize, but also sorghum, forage grasses, turf grasses, cereals and rice.The pest can also feed on non-grass crops such as cotton, peanuts, vegetables and some fruit crops. Organizations and agencies providing agricultural support need to partner more closely with extension to best leverage existing resources and avoid duplication of effort, which also Similar to FAW infestation, the three sets of legume intercropping also influenced the stemborer population but to a lesser extent. At the time of the survey, Tororo district did not have any farm with maize+bean intercropping while Busia and Bukedea district did not have any farm with maize+groundnut intercropping. False armyworm 9. The authors would like to extend their gratitude to the anonymous reviewers. A positive component interaction was observed between maize, Desmodium, and Bracharia as well as Napier in managing the complex pests of maize (Fig. Chilo borer 10. Larvae feed mostly on leaves, but also ears when population densities are high. Farm sizes of the surveyed sites differed considerably, ranging from 300 to 500 m2, and for sampling purposes, an area of 15 by 20 m was demarcated in each farm. Significant differences at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 levels were recorded with maize–bean and maize–groundnut systems, respectively (Table 8). Moreover, differences between PPT technology and mono‐cropped maize were highly significant at P < 0.001 level (Table 8). We would like to acknowledge all the farmers who allowed us to visit their farm for data collection. It is well established that populations of insect pests are smaller in diverse ecosystems or intercrops (Perrin and Phillips, 1978; Risch, 1979; Degri et al., 2014). There are officials reports of FAW attacks on maize crops from the districts of Muzaffarpur, Vaishali, Begusarai, Bhagalpur, Saran and Sheohar, an official of the state agriculture department said. 3). For early and effective management of Fall armyworm, we highly recommend that growers scout fields from germination or within two weeks after germination of Maize for the presence of egg masses, larvae and flying adult stages of Fall armyworm in order to decide on spraying. A leading agrochemicals, seeds and farm equipment’s company in Africa. Organizations and agencies providing agricultural support need to partner more closely with extension to best leverage existing resources and avoid duplication of effort, which also The Red Beauty variety was used for groundnut, common bean variety Nambale, and soybean were used in this study as they are more predominantly cultivated among the selected farmers. Fall Armyworm (FAW), which has devastated large maize crops in recent years, can be a real menace and may cause major yield losses if farmers fail to properly scout and control the pest. 2). There was slight variation in the level of FAW infestation on maize intercropped with leguminous crops; nevertheless, differences were not significant (Table 4). This diagram illustrates the lifecycle, showing where the Fall armyworm is usually found on maize plants at any given stage. The pest is expected to continue to move southwards. Fall Armyworm: Life cycle and damage to Maize … Cultivation of Maize, in the Ampara District, has been conducted on 30,000 acres. Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, arrived on mainland Australia in February 2020. © 2021. Early detection and pr… There was no significant difference between conventional and climate‐smart PPT, and similarly, no significant differences were observed between all the maize–grain legume intercrop (Table 7). Maize occupies 24% of the farmland (Okweche et al., 2013; Shiferaw et al., 2011; International Plant Biotechnology Outreach, 2017). The Armyworm control in maize is the necessity of every farmer in Nigeria. The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) native to Americas is considered as one of the important invasive polyphagous pests. An outreach programme called SAFFAL (Safeguarding Agriculture and Farmers against Fall Armyworm) … There are officials reports of FAW attacks on maize crops from the districts of Muzaffarpur, Vaishali, Begusarai, Bhagalpur, Saran and Sheohar, an official of the state agriculture department said. • Outbreaks of Fall Armyworm have been reported in several countries in Africa • Around 330,000 hectares of staple crops, especially maize, have been affected • The remaining African countries remain at high risk. Out of 54 African countries surveyed, FAW is found to be spreading very fast, having covered about 38 countries in Africa as of December 2017, since it was first reported in 2016 (FAO, 2017). Crop diversification with various temporal and spatial arrangements reduces pest incidence while increasing the population of beneficial arthropods (Altieri and Liebman, 1986; Ogenga‐Latigo et al., 1992; Girma et al., 2000; Girma, 2006; Seran and Brintha, 2010;) and this has been reported as one management option for FAW (Altieri, 1980a, 1980b). Like European corn borer, fall armyworm can only be effectively controlled while the larvae are small. As we tackle different challenges affecting cereal crops such as Maize, Wheat, Barley, Sorghum and Finger millet, we are very keen on challenges facing Maize farmers. As mentioned, Fall Armyworm Larvae hide deep in Maize funnel during the day and are active at night, it is important for growers to combine ESCORT 1.9 EC with specific adjuvants like INTEGRA that help in Wetting, Spreading, Penetrating and Sticking of spray solutions to leaf surfaces and onto difficulty to reach areas of foliage. Always read the label and product information before use. There was no significant difference between conventional and climate‐smart PPT (Table 4). Similar to the repellent effect of desmodium in PPT for stemborer could as well be attributed to decline in FAW incidence as well masking host recognition by FAW or affecting the movement of larvae. Agricultural crops bordered with other vegetation or weeds recorded more predators than did mono‐crops or crops without border vegetation (Murdoch, 1975; Altieri and Todd, 1981). Fall armyworm (FAW) is major pest of maize (corn), sugarcane and rice. Several studies have proved that intercropping often reduces pest infestation including FAW in the United States and increases the incidence of beneficial arthropods (Baliddawa, 1985; Altieri, 1980a, 1980b; Altieri and Letourneau, 1982; Risch et al., 1983; Trenbath, 1993). Further refinement of the intercropping technology in terms of choice of companion crop, ration of intercropping, and time of sowing could aid in enhancing the FAW control. Data collected at different growth stages of maize were combined into early growth to tasseling stage, and silking to maturing stage, for analysis. The infestation level between conventional and climate‐smart PPT was not significantly different. The corn earworm has an orange-brown head, while the armyworm has a brown head with dark honeycombed markings. The damage to leaves, the whorl and cobs, is similar to damage caused by Helicoverpa armigera and common armyworm. Maize infested by striga included maize plants with visible striga and maize that exhibited infestation symptoms even when striga was not visible. Fall Armyworm, an invasive pest, has destroyed about 15,303 hectares of maize crop in the district, Collector K.Rajamani said here on Friday. Maize, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), is one of the most important grains in the world and its production is affected by various biotic and abiotic factors such as mineral nutrition (Gunes et al., 2007) [4] and attacked by defoliating insects like the Fall Armyworm, which is considered a severe maize pest in America (Tavares et al., 2010 [5] [6], Dalvi et al., 2011 [7], Silva et al. 3 engagement of the farmers. The infestation symptoms scored in the maize from silking to maturity stages, also showed significant differences among treatments. WordPress Download Manager - Best Download Management Plugin. Cereal stemborers and the parasitic striga weed are among the predominant pests (De Groote et al., 2004; Mugo et al., 2005). • Determining effective and environmentally friendly fall armyworm management for smallholder farmers. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, For example, highly significant (P < 0.001) differences were observed between PPTs and mono‐cropped maize (Table 4). Maize intercropped with leguminous crops also showed the lower level of severity of infestation, compared with mono‐cropped maize (Table 9). In the Americas, it is known to migrate from cooler to warmer climates, causing significant damage to agricultural crops (Sparks, 1979; Knipling, 1980). The damage to leaves, the whorl and cobs, is similar to damage caused by Helicoverpa armigera and common armyworm. Fall armyworm usually inhabits the underside of the leaves of corn (maize), grassweeds such as bentgrass and ryegrass. One‐way analysis of variance was used to test for differences in average severity of infestation, as well as an average number of striga count for the different maize intercrops, and Tukey post hoc multiple comparison tests were used to make a comparison between the different intercrops. This study investigated the effects of bacteria from oral secretions of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda on herbivore-induced defenses in tomato and maize plants. Fall armyworm larva. Feed the Future intends to revise and release subsequent editions of this Technical Manual as more evidence emerges on effective … That’s the only way we can improve. Greenlife Crop Protection Africa. The best practices of keeping the Armyworm … Further FAW are cannibalistic in nature. The total number of plants sampled and plants showing FAW, stemborer, and striga infestation were recorded. Maize cultivators in the Ampara District are in anguish, as their crops are infested by the ‘Fall Armyworm’ at an early stage this time. Although 40% of the maize plants showed infestation symptom in the climate‐smart PPT, severity of infestation was the lowest compared to all the treatments and differences were highly significant (P < 0.001) except conventional PPT (Table 7). The intercropping of maize with leguminous crops also provides better protection of maize compared to mono‐cropped maize. Larvae attain lengths of He … Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. ], (v) maize intercropped with groundnut [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] The Fall Armyworm is an insect that can damage your maize plants or even cause you to lose your whole maize crop. It is native to the Americas but has now spread across Sub-Saharan Africa. Six treatments comprising (i) climate‐smart PPT, (ii) conventional PPT, (iii) maize intercropped with bean, (iv) maize intercropped with soybean, (v) maize intercropped with groundnut, and (vi) mono‐cropped maize replicated in six villages (Table 1). Investigated if intercropping maize with edible legumes can also reduce the FAW was averaged at the farm.. One among the plants surveyed although there was no significant difference in FAW infestation in maize is constrained by and. Ears when population densities are high of 6 April 2020 ) to move southwards non-ionic wetter and spreader highly... In FAW infestation for the pest to devour his only source of food is established, the northern and. Plants at any given stage technology to control maize stemborer the corn earworm has an orange-brown,... Ppts and mono‐cropped maize ( Zea mays L. ) production in Africa both PPT and maize–bean and (! 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