So Dar 7,628 bytes 3. Sadharan Paath - reading Guru Granth Sahib at intervals by an individual or team. Nitname. "Read Entire Guru Granth Akhand Paath Sadharan Paath or Sahej Paath." Guru Granth Sahib is written in Gurmukhi, a phonetic script. Guru Granth Sahib – The Sikh Scripture is purely monotheistic 1430 pages, 5894 hymns, the total number of Ragas is 31. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, English Translation by Dr. Sant Singh Khalsa, MD; Phonetic Transliteration by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD. Chaupai sahib. The Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 in the city of Amritsar. Its appeal lay in its directness, energy and resilience. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib and his nine descendents are the Mentors of this distinct religion, who lived as Humans from 1469 AD to 1708 AD. Our publications are different from books generally produced on Guru Granth Sahib. This collection contains two MP3 CD Set. Cyber paath has no particular proscribed method and may be read entirely online by an individual, or by participants around the world, reading by turns as a group. Ardas may be offered at about half way as madh is read. And the whole creation moves according to a predestined plan. A live, searchable website in Panjabi (Gurmukhi script) and English displays what the user desires to see, from annotations to meanings at different levels. Siree Raag 288,371 bytes 6. It is, indeed, the complete teacher. The division, thus, is strictly based on Indian musicology. Reading 20 Ang daily it is possible to complete a Sadharan Paath in about 10 weeks. Cyber Paath - online international team reading. SUGGESTED APPS FOR YOUR SMART PHONE OR TABLET: IF YOU OWN IPHONE OR IPAD: INSTALL "Isher Micromedia" App from App store and use it. Welcome to Sri Granth, a Sri Guru Granth Sahib search engine and resource read more SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB SRI DASAM GRANTH SAHIB BHAI GURDAS JI BOOKS SAAKHI BLOGS About Us. Ceremonial Protocol for Reading Guru Granth. Unbroken reading normally takes about 48 hours from start to finish. At a rate of 20 pages an hour it takes about 72 unbroken hours to completely read the eight volume Manmohan Singh's Steeks in English as the transliteration or Romanized phonetic version of one Gurmukhi Ang requires about 3 printed English pages. However for study purposes to enable understanding, Guru Granth Sahib has been printed in Pad ched, or cut text, with lines divided into individual Gurmukhi words, and interpreted in Punjabi, Hindi, English and Spanish, as well as being rendered into Devanagari and Romanized phonetic versions available in multiple volumes and online. The Guru Granth Sahib (Punjabi: ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ, pronounced [ɡʊɾuː ɡɾəntʰᵊ saːhɪb]) is the central religious scripture of Sikhism, regarded by Sikhs as the final, sovereign and eternal living Guru following the lineage of the ten human gurus of the religion. The emphasis is on shared communal experience, and on purposive and idealistic involvement. Its second and last version was the handiwork of Guru Gobind Singh, and it was finalized at Damdama Sahib in the year 1705. Of course, their hymns and couplets rendered in their own idiom find a ready correspondence in the songs of the Sikh Gurus. "Read Entire Guru Granth Akhand Paath Sadharan Paath or Sahej Paath." It is indeed, a magnificent compendium of the religious, mystic and metaphysical poetry written or uttered between the 12th Century and the 17th in different parts of India. The remaining 31 sections are named after the well-known classical ragas such as sri, magh, gauri, gujri, devghandhari, dhanassari, bilawal, kedara, malhar, kalyan etc. No translation of scripture is considered to be equal to the original, and cannot be considered as the Guru. Buy Guru Granth Sahib Books from Singh Brothers Retrieved from The entire Bani whose printed version in its current format comes to 1430 pages is divided into 33 sections. Subscribe Now. The source of wisdom and values to Sikhs, and always treated with many symbols of respect. Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Da Sahaj Path Songs Download- Listen Punjabi Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Da Sahaj Path MP3 songs online free. The extinction of the ego or self is the corner-stone of Sikhism. The idea of the soul as the Lord’s consort is repeated in the Guru Granth Sahib with amazing variations. A gurwara may host an uninterrupted schedule of multiple Akhand paaths read in succession such as one hundred and one Akhand paths read in sequence over a period of months or years by various members of. Reading is commenced with Arambh ceremony and concluded with Bhog ceremony. It's a good idea to reference a particular online version of Gurbani such as Sikhi to the MAX, which may require downloading of Gurmukhi fonts from the site chosen, or 'myGuru' iPod app, or other similar apps for iPhones and android phones. It was, so to speak, an integral congress of minds and spirits operating on the same spiritual beam. (accessed February 4, 2021). Roles may be assigned according to time zone. Artist: Bhai Sarvan Singh. By using Learn Religions, you accept our. He added the hymns of his father, Guru Tegh Bahadur, the Ninth Master, and a couplet of his own to the volume wrought a century earlier. A Sadharan paath may be read on the occasion of a birth, wedding, or death, by family members in one or two weeks. * Adopted from Dr. D.S.Maini’s article in Studies in Sikhism and Comparative Religion, Oct, 1987. Raag Maajh 206,292 bytes 7. The Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 in the city of Amritsar. Reading four Ang daily Sadharan paath may be concluded with in a year. 3 One God for All 4. Since his day the Guru Granth Sahib consists of 1430 pages and 5864 verses. This Raag gives the listener the determination and ambition to put aside any excuses and to proceed with the necessary action to achieve the aim. Obviously, the idea of Guru Arjan Dev was to affirm the fundamental unity of all religions, and the unitary character of all mystic experience. The major hymns-Japji (Guru Nanak), Anand (Guru Amar Das), Sukhmani (Guru Arjan Dev), Rehras (Guru Nanak, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan Dev) are widely recited solo and in congregation by the faithful as morning and evening prayers. Panj Bania Defined: What Are the Five Required Prayers? It may be noted that the apostolic succession extends from the First to the Tenth Guru, and that the Gurus are often referred to reverentially by their place in the order. The Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 in the city of Amritsar. Another outstanding feature of the Guru Granth Sahib is the precision of its prosody. The Guru Granth Sahib, then, is a sui generis scripture in the world. These Apps are complex databases of multiple Sikh scriptures (Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Dasam Granth, Kabit & Vaaraan by Bhai Gurdas, and important writings by Bhai Nand Lal) in Gurmukhi, Devanagari and Roman, with their multiple translations that can be searched and read with ease. It offers a perfect set of values and a practical code of conduct. It will thus be seen that the Guru Granth Sahib presents a comprehensive Weltans-Chauung or world-view. For, it is instructive to note that a fairly substantial part of the volume carries the compositions of Hindu bhaktas, Muslim divines, Sufi poets and other God-intoxicated souls. Sikhs regard the Guru Granth Sahib as their living Guru – hence the importance of this celebration. Guru Granth Sahib is a collection of devotional hymns and poetry which proclaims God, lays stress on meditation on the True Guru (God), and lays down moral and ethical rules for development of the soul, spiritual salvation. Frank Vogel about message to fans as Lakers received NBA championship rings on empty arena. Pothi paath is good practice for beginning readers. About The Siri Guru Granth Sahib. other options. A schedule is made having 48 roles, allowing for 30 Ang to be read each hour. Sikhism code of conduct advises every Sikh to engage in devotional reading, or paath. To have thus elevated the songs of the bhaktas and the bhats to the condition of the logos was to salute the power of the word whatever form it might take to reveal the glory of God. Live Gurbani. Roles are assigned accordingly and kept track of on a sign up sheet. The Sikh philosophy as embodied in the Guru Granth Sahib is chiefly a philosophy of action, deed and consequence. (2020, August 26). Sikhism, more accurately Gurmat (ਗੁਰਮਤਿ), is a distinct Path, leading to the Final Goal of re-unification with God. Its spiritual teachings are referred to as bani or gurbani. Its second and last version was the handiwork of Guru Gobind Singh, and it was finalized at Damdama Sahib in the year 1705. This initiative is designed for seekers, scholars, and techies. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhism's holy scripture, is the eternal enlightener, guide and guru of the Sikhs. All rights reserved. Guru Gobind Singh, the tent… Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab) Department of Botany and Environmental Science, is organizing online competition for Collage Making, Slogan Writing and Essay Writing, this event is sponsored by #PunjabBiodiversityBoard and #NationalBiodiversityBoard, on the theme #NatureDuringCOVID19Scenario. Listen and read gurbani 24 hour; Netnem,Japuji sahib,Sukhmani sahib and shabad kirtan . Multiple Akhand Paaths Being Read Simultaneously. As there is no particular proscribed method, multiple readers may opt to read as a team in any language from Interpretations of Guru Granth Sahib having multiple volumes so that participants unable to read Gurmukhi are able to join in the experience of group effort required for a complete reading of scripture. Simran explains that the Guru Granth Sahib is not just a book to Sikhs; it is treated as a living Guru. International readers may choose to read from Guru Granth Sahib in their location, or on online, as the group decides. An individual may read a Sadharan paath over the course of a couple of months, or even years, depending on time available and skill. Shri Guru Granth Sahib 1. The mystique of the marriage is invoked time and again to emphasize the indissoluble and ineluctable nature of the union. Those unable to read Gurmukhi may hire a team or four or five proficient readers, otherwise the team is made up of family or sangat. The language principally employed is the language of the saints evolved during the medieval period-a language which, allowing for variations, still enjoyed wide currency in Northern India. A gurdwara may host a reading of two or more, sometimes even one hundred and one, Akhand paaths all at the same time, with multiple volumes of Guru Granth Sahib being read side by side. For, it may be observed that Guru Granth Sahib comprehends the compositions and utterances of the high-born Brahmins and the proud Kashatriyas as also of the so called lowly Shudras and the unlettered Jats. Its second and last version was the handiwork of Guru Gobind Singh, and it was finalized at Damdama Sahib in the year 1705. 4 Speak and Live Truthfully 5. For example Sukhmani Sahib paath is a sizable hymn of 24 parts which is about 34 pages in length which is part of Guru Granth Sahib. One of the greatest glories of the Guru Granth Sahib is its catholic character. Cyber Paath requires scheduling using either email or a forum. Raag Goojaree 129,935 bytes 10. The soul too in its essence symbolizes this trinity or the God within, though quite often it loses the state of bliss as a result of the ego and the Id. The original laridar script of Guru Granth Sahib is written with words linked together in an unbroken line. Multiple Akhand paaths maybe held simultaneously: Families and friends may sign up to read an entire paath scheduling in anyone one wanting to take a turn. Caught in the meshes of power and pelf, it loses its true moorings, and is tossed about by the whirligig of time. Many a time has the grand show on earth been mounted and dismantled. A Sadharan paath is read to completion from only one particular volume of Guru Granth Sahib by an individual or a group in any interval of time. The Guru Granth Sahib The Sikh scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib, are explored and explained by Simran, 11. Man is ordained wife, and commanded to live in the Will of the Lord. Be a Gurbani Radio Subscriber. Nam Simran. "Enshrine the Lord’s Name within your heart. Japuji sahib. A novice reader may wish to divide Sukhmandi Sahib reading time into shorter increments of 25-30 minutes sessions over 5 days or a week. An entire prayerbook is devoted to the Sukhmani Sahib hymn. 6 Live in God's Hukam 7. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru declared Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the eternal Guru and ultimate spiritual authority for the Sikhs. Dhadi Varan. The nuptial and spousal imagery of the hymns is sensuously rich, apposite and striking. An accomplished reader might complete Sukhmani paath about in 30-60 minutes whereas a novice reader may require 2-3 hours in order to read the hymn completely. 2 ਕੋ ਜਾਪੈ ਿਦਸੈ ਦੂਿਰ ॥ ਗਾਵੈ ਕੋ ਵੇਖੈ ਹਾਦਰਾ ਹਦੂਿਰ ॥ ਕਥਨਾ ਕਥੀ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਤੋਿਟ ॥ ਕਿਥ ਕਿਥ ਕਥੀ Though in its essentials, it is completely in tune with the ancient Indian thought regarding the genesis of the world and the ultimate nature of reality, it moves away from queitism, passivity and abstractions. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ate Shri Dasam Granth Sahib Di Samanta - Book By Kanwar Ajit Singh .. Rs.225.00 Rs.250.00. Guru Granth Sahib. Above all, a poetic and mystic collage bespeaks the essential humility of the Sikh mind, for humility has been given pride of place in the table of virtues drawn up by the Gurus. This complete musicalisation of thought in a scientific and studied manner makes for the unusually rigorous, yet supple, discipline of the Granth’s metrics and notations. Indeed, the uniqueness of the Granth in this respect is all the more astonishing when we think of the obscurantism, factionalism and fanaticism of the period in which it was composed. Jup 24,593 bytes 2. Akhand Paath is always read from a single volume or bir of the original Gurmukhi in either lardidar or pad ched. The Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 in the city of Amritsar. It’s enjoined on a Sikh to be an insider, viewing with disturst all forms of alienation. Because there is no standard required words per page, there may be variances between different reading sources and sites. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. To that extent, the relative concreteness or solidity of the world is to be endorsed as a measure of understanding. Gurbani radio include Full Guru Granth Sahib. Complete paaths of any kind may be read one after the other in uninterrupted sequential succession: Sikhism code of conduct Sikh Rehit Maryada (SRM) advised reading from Guru Granth Sahib every day and specifies a particular ceremonial protocol for conducting Akhand Paath and Sadharan Paath including: More:How To Read Akhand Paath Ceremonial Protocol Illustrated. Read Entire Guru Granth Akhand Paath Sadharan Paath or Sahej Paath. Otherwise, the Granth was left as it was before in the days of Guru Arjan. In showing the path to spiritual salvation, the Guru Granth does not ignore the secular and creative side of man. Play Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Da Sahaj Path Punjabi album songs MP3 by Bhai Pishora Singh Ji and download Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib … This book examines three closely related questions in the process of canon formation in the Sikh tradition: how the text of the Adi Granth came into being, the meaning of gurbani, and how the Adi Granth became the Guru Granth Sahib. Add to Cart. This was done at a time when the caste system in India had paralysed the conscience of man. A Sahej paath, or easy reading, may be read uninterrupted or in intervals and completed by either an individual or group. 2 Women as Equals 3. So Purakh 6,976 bytes 4. No one can change or alter any of the writings of the Sikh gurus written in the Adi Granth. Sikhs are encouraged to read, or listen to, the entire 1430 pages of scripture respectfully known as Ang, or Panna, meaning "part of Guru.". Sri Guru Granth Sahib Dictionary/Kosh by Dr. Gurcharan Singh This is the latest of all available dictionaries of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. It may admit of few variations and shades. Guru Granth Sahib ਵਿਦਿਆ ਵੀਚਾਰੀ ਤਾਂ ਪਰਉਪਕਾਰੀ ਜਾਂ ਪੰਚ ਰਾਸੀ ਤਾਂ ਤੀਰਥ ਵਾਸੀ Contemplate and reflect upon knowledge, and you shall become a benefactor to others. The revolutionary egalitarianism which such a step symbolized was, therefore, to become the creed of the Sikhs. Adi Granth, the first rendition, was compiled by the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan. Readers sign up for roles and read by turn day and night until reading is complete. Hardly any other scripture of that stature is completely free from bias, animus and controversy. It is not given to creature man to fully comprehend the essence of reality. The Guru Granth Sahib provides unique and unequalled guidance and advice to the whole of the human race. It is, also, at the same time, a mirror of the sociological, economic and political conditions of those days. Sohila 7,399 bytes 5. Perhaps it is the only scripture of its kind which contains within its sacred covers the songs, hymns and utterances of a wide variety of saints, sages and bards. Asa di var. Size: 2.87MB Date: 03/2006 Download: Size: 8.71MB Date: 03/2006 Download: All Words from Siri Guru Granth Sahib, Gurmukhi Sehaj Paath Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Furthermore, each psalm or song is preceded by a number (mohalla) which denotes the name of the composer-Guru from Guru Nanak onwards. Any infidelity or transgression is inconveivable. Based upon some of the local dialects, it was leavened with expressions from Sanskrit, Prakrit, Persian and Arabic. It is very useful for sangat members who wish to learn how to recite paath correctly. For, it has thus pleased the Creator to bring about the world and people it with multiples of His self. The Guru Granth Sahib was first compiled by the Fifth Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev, in 1604 in the city of Amritsar. It is the torch that will lead humanity out of Kaljug, (the dark era) to a life in peace, tranquillity and spiritual enlightenment for all the nations of the World. Explore,Share and Listen to Audio of Ang -1 - of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji at . The road to heaven is paved with pity and piety. Participants check in before and after reading assignments. An indvidulal reader or a group of team readers my elect to read a succession of any type of complete paath over any given period of time. Shabad gurbani. The integral relationship between music and verse has been maintained with scholarly rectitude and concern. Install the free Online Radio Box application for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are! Katha. The Adi Granth, its first rendition, was compiled by the fifth guru, Guru Arjan Dev (1564–1606). It is religious scripture of Sikhism. Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhism's holy scripture, is the eternal enlightener, guide and guru of the Sikhs.Sikhism code of conduct advises every Sikh to engage in devotional reading, or paath.Sikhs are encouraged to read, or listen to, the entire 1430 pages of scripture respectfully known as Ang, or Panna, meaning "part of Guru.". The House of Nanak is indeed a spiritual decagon based upon a complete, inviolate geometry of vision. Words of scripture are known as Gurbani. A soul thus abandoned by the Lord, or alienated from Him, keeps spinning through aeons and aeons of suffering. The Sikhism code of conduct encourages every Sikh to develop a habit of daily devotional reading from the holy scripture, so that eventually the entire scripture is read from beginning to end. It is the largest raag in the Guru Granth Sahib with many variants. While the first section comprises the soulful and inspiring song of the Japji composed by Guru Nanak as also a few selected pauris or couplets, the final section is collection of assorted verses including the shalokas and the swayyas of the bhattas. The satire on the reactionary and tyrannical rulers, on the obscurantist clergy and sects, on the fake fakirs and their like, is open, uncompromising and telling. 7 Practise Humility, Kindness, Compassion, Love, … The length of Sehaj Paath is approx 70 hours. A comprehensive web site on research and exploration of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Amrit Keertan Gutka, Bhai Gurdas vaaran, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib, Bhai Nand Lal Baani,Mahan Kosh, Hukumnamas, Nitnem Baanis, exegesis , Gurbani, Gurbanee vichaar.. LEARN MORE. Chritro Pakhyaan - Set of 2 Volumes Book By Pritpal Singh Bindra Pritpal Singh Bindra.. Rs.720.00 Rs.800.00. When any important endeavor is begun, Sikhs are encouraged to conduct an Akhand Paath or entire uninterrupted reading of Guru Granth Sahib. The word ARDAS is derived from the Persian word ARZ DASHT (Petition) meaning a request to a superior authority. Janam Naam Sanskar (Sikh Baby Naming Ceremony), The Sikh Way of Life and the Guru's Teachings, The Sikh Initiation Ceremony of Amrit Sanchar Illustrated, 10 Officially Recognized Mainstream Sikhism Sects. Copyright © 2009-2020 iGurudwara. No word but its own may be allowed sanctity and sovereignty. Raag Bihaagra 66,390 bytes 12. While a great deal of it, cast in traditional verse forms (salokas and pauris), could best be understood in the context of the well-known classical ragas, its hymns and songs make use of popular folk meters such as alahanis, ghoris, chands etc. Listen Now. As for the concept of the Godhead in the Guru Granth Sahib, it sets upon the trinity of sat chit and anand. Sikhism Shabads and Hymns of Hope and Healing, All About The Guru Granth, Sikhism’s Holy Scripture, Antam Sanskaar: the Sikh Funeral Ceremony, 10 Sikhism Clergy Terms and What They Mean. He is the Initiator and the End. Go to beginning of Raag Gauri | More information. Since then, the authorized version has been transcribed and printed a number of times, and it abides. For feedback, please contact Dr. Kulbir S Thind OR Avtar Singh Dhami. 1 All Peoples of the World are Equal 2. 5 Control the Five Vices 6. It contains Sehaj Paath recited by Bhai Sarvan Singh Ji. Pothi paath is devotional reading of scripture from a hand held gutka or prayerbook, which requires more time to complete than it takes for an novice individual to read in a single session. A person, we learn, finds fulfillment only by immersion in the sea of life. Its second and last version was the handiwork of Guru Gobind Singh, and it was finalized at Damdama Sahib in the year 1705. The book form of this Kosh is published by Punjabi University Patiala. Religious literature is sometimes sectarian and monolithic, if not partisan and polemical. Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, He too regards the world as ultimately Maya or illusion, and the life of man as a tableau of light and shade, but the Nirvana may not be achieved except through an acceptance of the reality of this unreality, and a proper disposition of the allotted role in the phantasmagoria of life. Sukhmandir Kaur is a Sikh author, educator, and the president of Dharam Khand Sikh Academy. Their soothing and ambrosial airs have brought solace and cheer to countless people all over the world. Guru Granth Sahib is the religious scripture of Sikhism, regarded by Sikhs as the final, sovereign, and eternal living Guru following the lineage of the ten human Gurus of the Sikh religion. Aasaa has strong emotions of inspiration and courage. Thus, the path of renunciation, abdication, aloofness, flagellation etc., so typical of Hindu thought, is abjured. Sri Guru Granth Darpan: Punjabi translation of Sri Guru Granth Sahib along with commentary and word meanings by Professor Sahib Singh. Its adoration or veneration is an article of faith with the Sikhs. God is omnipotent and omniscient. Its second and last version was the handiwork of Guru Gobind Singh, and it was finalized at Damdama Sahib in the year 1705. Sahej Paath - team reading includes multiple locations, volumes, and interpretations. It requires importing each word of the Guru Granth Sahib to form a complete and comprehensive dictionary (etymology, grammar, meaning). Raag Aasaa 497,423 bytes 9. Every Sikh is encouraged to learn Gurmukhi so as to enable devotional reading of Gurbani paath. ardas is not a part of Guru Granth Sahib ( The Holy Book) but has evolved over a period of time as the community struggled and won victories and got into a thanksgiving mode. Ahhand Paath Reader at the Golden Temple, Harmandir Sahib. Rehras. When you conquer the five passions (lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego), then you shall become pure and pious like a sacred shrine of pilgrimage. Raag Dayv 31,680 bytes 11. Khalsa, Sukhmandir. The Gurus‟ Experience of the Divine 7. Raag Gauree 691,298 bytes 8. Learn Religions. The main message can be summaried as: 1. The poetry of the Guru Granth is in itself a subject worthy of the highest consideration. Akhand Paath - uninterrupted team reading of Guru Granth Sahib in one volume. It is in this spirit that various Sikh scholars have undertaken efforts to translate Sri Guru Granth Sahib into a number of languages in order to spread the teachings of the Gurus and to bring the Sikh religion to the people of the world as Guru Nanak wished. 1 <> siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ] (1-1) ik-oa N kaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbha-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibha N gur parsaad. Photo © [Ravitej Singh Khalsa / Eugene, Oregon / USA], Photo © [S Khalsa Courtesy Sikhi to the MAX]. Of course, the ideal Sikh is supposed to cultivate the qualities of contemplation, stillness and inwardness in the midst of labor business and engagement. Sukhmani Sahib. So long as man has a role to play, the artifact of the stage or the theater has to be taken for granted. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji reviews. What is more, each Guru speaks in the name of the Founder Guru whose spirit permeates his successors. He is Self-Creator and Self-Propeller. 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