Some disinfectants and bleach are toxic to cats, so it's best to only use hot water and detergent. She might feel your angry energy, but she won’t understand your words and actions. For kittens and older cats who may have trouble getting in and out of the litter box, Galaxy suggests getting a low, open-sided litter box, like the KittyGoHere Senior Cat Litter Box. The clumps allow for easy cleanup and provide some odor control. Replace soiled litter as needed—typically when the litter stops controlling odor. This will decrease the chance of it being inhaled or chomped on. Place her into the litter box, gently take her front paws and show her how to scratch at the litter once or twice. Place a litter box in a quiet, private place. Making some simple changes to the actual litter box can help the situation. Bottom line is to keep an eye on your kitten around the litter box and opt for a natural, pellet-based litter. “You can even cut away the front part of a litter box just to make it easier for them,” says Galaxy. Kittens learn most of their behaviors from their mother over the first six weeks of their lives. This will make them like the litter box more and it will become a habit. Dr. Elsey's Kitten Attract Clumping Clay Cat Litter. Do not scold or punish your kitten for eliminating outside the box. After meals, bring your new pet to the outdoor cat litter box and let him or her smell it. Start by making sure you have the right number of litterboxes: You should have at least one per cat, plus one extra.If you have more than one cat, place the boxes well away from each other, as some cats can be territorial about boxes.You can use a smaller box for a kitten than for an adult — in fact, be sure the kitten can get over the sides … In a multi-story home, put a litter box on each level. Â. The only problem is that she refuses to use a litter box. Let the kitten jump in and out of the litter box instead of restraining him. She is very small (1.5 pounds), but we took that into account. If the mother uses a litter box, then the kitten will likely learn this before being adopted into a new home. Clumping cat litter (usually made from clay) is very popular among cat parents and is usually the go-to choice. Kitten Attract contains a kitten-specific natural herbal attractant that entices a cat to use the litter box. Once your cat has sufficiently learned where to eliminate, however, you should keep a clean litter box. And to make sure you have the right guidance, we are sharing these 5 tips with you, so fasten your seatbelts. They may also dislike the spot you chose after moving the litter box, or moving to a new home. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Properly introducing a cat to a new box involves more than throwing the litter box in a corner, pouring in the litter and hoping that everything will work out. If you want your kitten to go outdoors, gradually move the litter tray closer to the cat door making sure it is a quiet place. Do not use a closed litter box. If the kitten doesn’t seem to get the idea to pee in the litter box, when it pees on the floor, blot it up with a tissue and place the tissue in the kitten’s litter box. It can also be described as a “litter box”. If you have multiple cats, a good rule of thumb is to have one litter box per cat, plus one extra. You should never shout or punish your Cat if they stop using the Litter box. It’s more important that the feces looks normal than the amount of time you kitten is going. Place your kitten's litter tray away from her bed and food, and make sure it’s somewhere reasonably private. Therefore, you should get a wide box without a lid so that the cat feels comfortable inside to do its business. Use a modified variation of the crate principle: First, section off part of the room. When training a kitten to use a litter box, never put the box too close to her food source. A closed box with a cat flap will hide the sight and scent of cat waste. You don't like an audience when you're using the bathroom, and neither does your kitty, so give him some solitude. Your kitten needs an easily accessible litter box, so choose something with low sides that it can easily step into. Check to make sure your kitten can actually get into his box as well; you may need to purchase a smaller litter box to accommodate your new kitten's growing legs. This can lead to dangerous gastrointestinal problems. If your kitten is peeing or pooping in the room and not in the box, gently place it in the litter box. She knows where it is and only ever goes to the bathroom right next to it, but refuses to actually get into the litter box on her own. Their instincts will take care of the rest. Solution: It’s important to choose the right size box. You’ll be happy to hear that litter training a kitten is not quite as rigorous as potty training a puppy. You can also sprinkle some of the cat litter in a toilet spot in the garden, choosing a spot you feel comfortable for your cat to use. Between his natural instincts and your welcoming attitude, you can train a semi-feral cat to use the litter box. Place your kitten's litter box away from her bed and, in a spot that's reasonably private ; Empty the tray regularly — your kitten will not want to use it if it's "dirty." It should really help kitty make a quick and easy transition. A dirty litter box can easily lead to unwanted elimination behaviors, like peeing on laundry or rugs.Â. How to teach a kitten to use the litter tray or box. You may even try scratching at the litter to show the kitten what to do. If your kitty doesn’t seem to going enough, this may be a result of not enough moisture in their diet. Now that you have done each and every single thing that you can, it is all up to the cat. As mentioned above, cats in general and stray cats in particular love open spaces. Especially if that new litter box is a little tricky, like a first transition to a top-entry litter box would likely be for a cat. Make it extremely easy for your kitten to find the litter pan and you shouldn’t have any major incidents. Portable litter box. It should be big enough for the kitten to turn around and eliminate in more than one spot as well. Reasons Why Your Cat Won’t Use the Litter Box. Use a comfortable litter box without a lid. Not only will this help eliminate the dreaded "cat smell" from your home, but it will also make using the box a more pleasant experience for your cat. Training a kitten to use his litter box is not quite the same as housebreaking a puppy , but will require a similar level of attention. Reviews on Chewy give this product almost five stars. Once you see consistent litter box use after two weeks, you can feel free to let the kitten out to roam with the other cats. After a few days, your kitten should start to understand the process. This way, they'll soon learn to associate the litter tray with good feelings. Kitten Attract contains a kitten-specific natural herbal attractant that entices a cat to use the litter box. And there never seems to be a tidy way … There are some specific tips on how to attract a cat to a litter box. The average kitten begins litter-box training between 4 and 6 weeks of age. Kitten formula is for kitties in training. You’ve gone through all the necessary paperwork, have your kitty acquainted to their new home… the next logical question is: how do I get my kitten to use the litter box? Empty the litter tray regularly - your kitten will not want to use it if it's 'dirty.' Training an Old Cat To Use a Litter Tray. Be consistent about moving the kitten to the litter box if you catch it in the middle of an accident. Begin gradually adding some unscented litter … Avoid cramped spaces like under cabinets or in small closets. Kittens being 3-4 times a day could use poo in their litter tray up to 4 times per day. Perhaps the litter does not feel good on the paws or has an odor kitty dislikes. If you want your kitten to go outdoors, gradually move the litter tray closer to the cat door making sure it is a quiet place. She is very small (1.5 pounds), but we took that into account. Check to make sure your kitten can actually get into his box as well; you may need to purchase a smaller litter box to accommodate your new kitten's growing legs. Cats may stop using the litter box after a scary experience in the area, such as a loud noise or harassment by another pet. Provide praise when kittens use the box correctly! Begin gradually adding some unscented litter to the dirt. 2) Gently place them into the litter to allow them to feel it under their paws and to smell the odour Introducing the Litter Box to Your New Member Additionally, it’s not a bad idea to get two shallow litter boxes instead of one; especially if you have more than one cat. You need to make the experience appealing for the feline. She knows where it is and only ever goes to the bathroom right next to it, but refuses to actually get into the litter box on her own. Make sure you choose something that will feel soft and comfortable on your cat's paws. “You can even cut away the front part of a litter box just to make it easier for them,” says Galaxy. If accidents do happen, kitty’s will tend to pick a spot and use it repeatedly. If you have questions about a kitten’s diet, check out our post on how to pick the best food for you kitten. For the cat, inappropriate urination or defecation is a cry for help. If you continue to use this site you consent to use of all cookies. Puppy pans also work well, since they have a low opening. When you first get the cat or move to a new home, you need to keep the litter box in one spot. Place the kitten in the box 1/2 hour after play or meals. A litter tray is a term used to describe a receptacle or container with a loose granular material known as cat litter inside, that cats will use as a toilet. Then cover it up with litter. If your kitten uses the litter box, offer praise with petting or even a toy or treat. First of all, make sure the litter tray is in a safe and quiet place. This can also really help with litter box training. Once your kitty has gotten to be a few months old, you can start testing out different types of litters to see which both of you like best. Choosing the Right Box and Litter. Many cats have trouble adapting to change, especially when it comes to litter boxes. Litter box training a kitten can’t be completed in a day, so don’t get mad when you see your cat still peeing or pooping outside the box after a training session. On the other hand, crystal cat litter is silica-based litter that comes in the form of tiny crystals. Are there other pets in the home causing stress? A clean, neutral-smelling litter box is much more inviting to cats and kittens. Litter training can be tough. If you catch him in the act, quickly pick him up and gently place him in the nearest litter box. “You don’t want to make sudden changes with the litter box by moving it from a place where it was for a long time,” she says. Use a litter with pellets as these mask the wet feel. Jenna Stregowski, RVT, has more than 20 years of experience working in veterinary medicine and has been writing about pet care for the last decade. That may seem like a lot, but a little kitty can only hold so much in their tiny body, so it’s totally normal. Don't worry if she jumps right out again. 2) Gently place them into the litter to allow them to feel it under their paws and to smell the odour Proper litter box training early on will help your kitten develop healthy habits for life. For whatever reason, she will not use the litter box. Soon after you bring your kitten home, take her to the litter box at a quiet time. Once your kitten learns to use the box, you may wish to try covering one box and leaving another open so you can learn if your cat has a preference. Wrong-Size Litter Box. If the kitten is using bedding or laundry, keep these items off the floor. When bringing your new kitten home, you’ll have to make the necessary introductions to their new surroundings. Ready availability is important, especially during the formative years. Therefore, tall and covered boxes are out for now. The texture of scoopable litter is generally preferred by cats over the larger non-scoopable clay style. You can unsubscribe at any time. Most kittens will learn to use the litter box fairly quickly. Make sure to keep the litter box immaculately clean. The only problem is that she refuses to use a litter box. Take a bit of the old litter and mix it in with the new litter in the new litter box. That’s why it’s a bit harder to litter train a kitten without their mother. Covered litter boxes may or may not work for your kitten. A basic small plastic litter box can work well. Got it! With some forethought and a bit of patience it will therefore be very easy to teach them to use the litter tray. It’s recommended that kittens stay with their mother and littermates for at least 12 weeks. Your new kitten may or may not already know how to use a litter box. Reviews on Chewy give this product almost five stars. It's still a good idea to have two litter boxes if your kitten is the only cat in your home. Perhaps it needs more exercise or vertical space. How to teach a kitten to use the litter tray or box. The flexible sides make this litter box adaptable to small places. My cat won’t use the litter box and is ‘going’ on my floor!” Such simple words, but such a complex problem. If a kitten is frequently using the same location, place a litter box in the location. The feces will be all dried up and be more difficult to pass. Its shape is designed especially to reduce litter scatter to a minimum. However these clumps quickly become saturated and require pretty much daily maintenance to keep the odors to a minimum. Maintain a clean litter box and keep the surrounding area as clean as possible. The type of litter you choose can make a big difference in how well your kitten takes to litter box training. It's natural to wonder how to train a kitten to use a litter box, but luckily kittens are quick learners when it comes to litter tray use, so it's … It shouldn’t be a big ordeal to litter train your kitten. However, if the kitten was raised outdoors or was separated from the mother too early, it might have no knowledge of litter boxes or even proper elimination habits. After meal time you can gently pick and place the kitten into their new potty. Then place the litter box, bedding, dishes and toys in there and add kittens. Cat’s get very territorial and will even sometimes resort to laying in the litter box to prevent the other from encroaching on their turf. I too had the same issues with the standard litter boxes. Step 1. Young cats sometimes have a tendency to ingest litter. Although both may come in handy later on in your cat’s life. With some forethought and a bit of patience it will therefore be very easy to teach them to use the litter tray. But sometimes they won’t. 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