A muezzin is the person who performs the call to prayer (adhan) at a mosque. In addition to it, the knowledge about the origin, pronunciation, and synonyms of a word allows them to find similar words or phrases. However, it will allow you to learn the appropriate use of Muezzin in a sentence. Find words for muezzin in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. muezzin meaning: 1. a man who calls Muslims to prayer from the tower of a mosque (= a Muslim holy building) 2. a man…. The example sentences play a good role in this regard. Translate muezzin into Spanish. Muezzin definition, the crier who, from a minaret or other high part of a mosque, at stated hours five times daily, intones aloud the call summoning Muslims to prayer. Here you can check all definitions and meanings of Muezzin. bab.la is not responsible for their content. How to use Muezzin in a sentence as a noun. Diane ignored the sound. Muezzin, Arabic muʾaddin, in Islam, the official who proclaims the call to prayer on Friday for the public worship and the call to the daily prayer five times a day, at dawn, noon, midafternoon, sunset, and nightfall.To summon worshippers, the Jews use a trumpet and the Christians use a bell, but the Muslims use the human voice. The first muezzin was an Ethiopian man named Bilal ibn Ribah, who was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). more_vert. English the muezzin gave the call to prayer. There was a minaret from a mosque popping up only a few yards away, also damaged by gunfire. bab.la is not responsible for their content. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Context sentences for "muezzin" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. The exclusivity of church bells in Europe and muezzins east of Europe is the basic conflict of fairness here. A muezzin (/muːˈɛzɪn/; Turkish: müezzin from Arabic: مؤذن, muʾaḏḏin), is the person appointed at a mosque to lead, and recite, the call to prayer for every event of prayer and worship in the mosque. In small mosques the Muezzin at Azan stands at the door or at the side of the building; in large ones he takes up his position in the minaret. Traducir muezzin de Inglés a español. French Le muezzin … Context sentences for "muezzin" in Arabic. See more. Learn more. Just as church bells have some form of tune to them, so does the muezzin's call to prayer. The muezzin's post is an important one, and the community depends on him for an accurate prayer schedule. Muezzin quotes from YourDictionary: The village muezzin called the faithful to prayer.
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