My 17 month old daughter has been bitten in daycare 7 times in the last 2 months. When child bites a peer at a daycare facility, the Macklenburg County Health Department in North Carolina recommends removing him from the area. You need to get your child out of this situation right away. This last time, they didn't even realize she had been bitten twice. If you have talked to your day care lady keep talking to her, ask her to talk to the mother or you talk to the mother. Both families are speaking out after their daughters came home from day care with a large number of bite marks on their bodies. I have 20 years teaching preschool and this is normal. Write another stronly worded letter to the nursery, take photos of the … There are very strict rules in our state (Massachusetts) since I used to get an official notice home if my kids had any kind of medical care, even if it was just a band-aid. Is this child punished in any way? If a child is bitten, say ‘No biting! Recently, I wrote about what to do if your child is biting other children. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Explain that biting is a form of communication and although distressing, is a stage of development that many children pass through. No, but I know that a child getting bitten that many times would be crying and very upset," Martin said. Such a good question. When child bites a peer at a daycare facility, the Macklenburg County Health Department in North Carolina recommends removing him from the area. Discuss the Bite with Your Child’s School or Daycare Ask a … Drawing blood is a serious bite that could get infected. We've been called in to have a conference about this with the daycare director. I expect to take my kids somewhere where they are safe for the day. Stacey Morris went to … They wouldn't kick a kid out just for biting at that age but if it was something that was happening over and over no matter what the teachers … My daughter has been bitten once in daycare. IF she is not proactively trying to stop this behavior, you need to switch. You should STOP telling her to bite him back. Usually the skin isn't broken and the wound isn't serious. If you see the documentary "Babies" you see the African baby bite his brother- it is natural. If this was not her grandson, the child would have been given time to correct and then would have been dismissed from her care. Help the child who was hurt find something to do. Usually we receive a written "incident report" from the teachers if she is bitten. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Its my first week droping my 28 month daughter in daycare , but she keeps on crying and pannics ( throw up ), every day i drop her , even... My two year old son is sent home from daycare an average of one to two days per week. Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, 2018 General Information on Dry Eyes-Now known as Ocular Surface Disorder, Autism and the MMR Vaccine: Addressing Parents’ Concerns, Questions Breastfeeding Moms Ask About OTC Medicines. My child was bitten twice, really bad, before he was one. If you child is bitten again and the grandson remains in the same daycare, you need to contact the licensing board and see what can be done. State investigators have shut down a far northwest-side home day care operation after they said an infant was bitten 27 times by another child. At that age, children have such limited verbals skills and limited means of expressing their needs - I understand that children express their frustration in different ways, some by biting. Some kids just go through this phase. Can I do anything about it? I am so glad I did, because several months later my child became the biter. The sad fact is that more and more children are being abused in these centers, something that can lead to … My daughter is 27 months old and has been bitten 4 times on different parts of her body. Being able to intervene in every biting interaction, however, is likely unreasonable in a busy daycare environment. No, but I know that a child getting bitten that many times would be crying and very upset," Martin said. Children bite less frequently as they grow older, but biting is common in situations where children are thrown together such as daycare and play groups. The parents of a 15-month-old girl are seeking answers as to how their daughter was bitten eight times by another child during a day care session last week. A bite on one hand could be explained away easily by a daycare provider. It hurts.” After removing the biter from the situation, the staff person should explain … Of course, sometimes it might be your child who's doing the biting. Daycare centers especially have a duty to closely monitor the children – they need to know what caused the bite to happen and how to prevent it next time. If a child has started biting a parent or sibling at home, parents should mention this information to the centre. Your provider needs to put a stop to it now. No parent wants to hear that their child has been bitten while in child care (or that their child has bitten a playmate). Can I do anything about it? On the whole do it back thing. During that time, she has been bitten 6 times. But sadly, it happens. Telling a child to bite another child back isn't an effective way to change behavior, and if that's all she's doing I'd find another provider. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. I would ask her what she's doing to prevent the biting and extinguish the behavior. Is the child who bites someone who can't be asked to leave - like a teacher's child or a dear friend of the day care owner? These places help keep kids occupied during the course of the day with educational and social activities. If she IS trying to eliminate the biting, then stay. We are also particularly worried because our child has eczema and is at higher risk for skin infections. Question: My child was bitten by another child while at day care the other day. and they have that shadowing program. Nothing? If a staff person witnesses the child bite another kid, she should calmly and firmly tell him to stop with a simple phrase such as, “Biting is a no-no. They take a no-nonsense approach that might appeal to you. The nursery has a duty of care to ALL children and in my opinion they are failing your child in this. Licensed daycare have rules and policies to follow, incident reports to fill-out.... Many kids don't share, but coming home … Answer: If the child care staff needed to administer first aid, even for a minor injury from the bite, they should have notified you about the biting incident when you picked up your child (and any time they administer first aid they also need to document that in your child’s record at the facility). I think a bite or two is common - but it sounds like this child is biting so many other kids that they've had to hire another person, and that isn't helping. I'm afraid if she doesn't comply changing day cares is all you can do. I actually understand your train of thought of trying to get your daughter to defend herself by biting back. During that time, she has been bitten 6 times. The injury must have been foreseeable by daycare staff or … But, a few parents asked: What do I do if my child is the one being bitten? The provider should sit close by the child who is biting and if it means that she has him next to her the whole day to prevent biting, she should do that. Just did it whenever the urge struck her....... Is your daycare lady disciplining the child??? I feel like she is being targeted by the other kids. I arranged a meeting with the teacher and the director. The daycare center had a duty of care (obligation) to protect your child from undue harm. Those that that do break the skin don’t usually go deep enough to draw blood. Doesn't matter who it is biting. Biters are fast. BUT IT HAS TO BE ADDRESSED! Some days we get two accident reports a DAY and sometimes we get 1 a week, but so far, in the … Communicating with parents about biting means they can tackle the issue at home. And you are beginning to teach your daughter a very dangerous lesson. The good news is that most bites are harmless and don’t break the skin. It feels like they are basically telling us to suck it up and just accept that biting happens. Can I sue? I wondered what I was doing wrong. Biting is a nautral instinct for humans and babies do it often, some do it for kisses, teething, defense, or just because. If a staff person witnesses the child bite another kid, she should calmly and firmly tell him to stop with a simple phrase such as, “Biting is a no-no. That's a terrible feeling, but keep in mind that it's pretty common behavior. Is your child being neglected at daycare? The Arizona Department of Health Services has said an investigation is underway after a baby girl was allegedly bitten more than 25 times while in a Tucson daycare facility. Good luck. The daycare says that it has been different kids each time. Day care's job is to provide a safe environment; if kid is being bitten so frequently it is unsafe. Recently, I wrote about what to do if your child is biting other children. Being bitten at daycare : Hi all, my 2yr old daughter is constantly being bitten at daycare. Today, she was but twice - once on her arm and once on her side. All assessments should include the possibility that the person bitten and the biter both may have been exposed to a BBV or bacterial infection. Attend to the child who has been bitten. I just hope they refund the money I prepaid in advance and don't try to tell me I MUST give 2 weeks notice. We discovered the bite marks (and broken skin) when we gave her a bath that evening. When one child bites another, adults often find themselves paralyzed with shock and horror. I agree with my son's Dr and I am pulling him out. I think I would sit down with her and see what kind of plan you can come up with to discourage the grandson. Is this a normal occurence? Finally, talk to the child who did the biting. I would just lay it out for the director that your child has been bit x many times in x amount of time. Your child care provider is not adequately protecting your child, nor is she effectively disciplining her grandson. By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following. When she bites me I tell her no and tell her to apologize for hurting mommy. Related: Parents say daughter bitten 8 times by another child at her daycare When biting occurs in child care, particularly when the issue is ongoing, you may have concerns about the level of supervision of children. When they would be naughty, all they had to tell their dad was the other child did it first. In order to prove negligence caused your child’s injuries, you must show that the daycare facility failed to exercise due care to prevent a foreseeable injury to your child. Learn which over-the-counter medicines are safe for you and your baby, Yummy eats that will keep your child healthy and happy, Healing home remedies for common ailments, The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. What is she doing about it, thus far? Charles R. … My son went to daycare and I don't remember ever getting an incident report of being bitten. Again, it’s the job of both schools and daycare … Monitor your child when s/he is playing with other children, try and keep group play sessions short and step in and distract the children if they both want the same toy.,,,,,, It’s been breaking my heart to see him so hurt and upset, so I’ve decided to look into what else can be done. Even with that, the frequency of biting hasn't seemed to decrease. Discuss with the daycare center administration if the number of bites become extreme, inquire … It's not uncommon for a child to bite another child during play or out of frustration. I feel like she is being targeted by the other kids. Apparently another toddler was picking on her and kept pushing her over. My DD2 was bitten at childcare when she was only about 2 1/2. The daycare has dedicated a teacher to look after her in the afternoons, which is generally when it happens and remove her from the other children for a while. IF the child is having 1 2 1 care then the opportunity to bite other children should not even occur. As long as the daycare is providing adequate supervision, not exceeding the child to teacher ratio, has a biting procedure in place and is notifying you, you have absolutely no case to take to a lawyer or Department of Children and Families. My child has a history of biting and we have an appt scheduled with his pediatrician to determine what we need to do. Fearing autism, many parents aren't vaccinating their kids. This is her Grandson.... so what the heck, is his Mom... doing about him, as well???? The daycare center breached (violated) its duty of care. Help the biter understand what emotions prompted the bite and h… I have spoken with the director and told it's normal..blah blah blah...and it's not the same child; but he came home this week with 2 bites one Mon and one Wed. Biting hurts!' Up until now, the bites have been minor, however the most recent bite was on the face and fairly severe. He would get to school and tell the other child "I don't want you near me!" Wow! Usually the biter is asked to leave long before this. I have been told by my child’s daycare that I’m not allowed to view the video materials during the times that my child has been… Child Has Permanent Scar from Fall at Daycare… My daughter was at daycare and she fell and busted her nose. But I want to know what else can I do? Skin had... 3 Comments Last updated 3 years ago Was the child care facility supposed to provide me with an incident report? Most recently, twice in one day. If you child is bitten again and the grandson remains in the same daycare, you need to contact the licensing board and see what can be done. When I picked up DD from daycare today she had been bitten by another child on the face. If you are advised that your child has bitten another child, or has been bitten, make sure you work with your child care provider to deal with the situation as quickly and effectively as you can. My daughter has been bitten three times at daycare. "If you get hit, hit'em back harder" only creates an environment of violence. But don't neglect the child who did the biting. It can be prevented or at least become a rare thing. You don't say how the day care lady is handling it. First you'll need to check the damage and maybe provide some medical attention along with plenty of warmth and caring. Your child should learn that words get results, while biting or whining gets her nowhere. Child Allegedly Bitten More Than 25 Times at Arizona Daycare . Do they also have to report the incident to licensing? More. Do you want to know your legal options? My daughter has been bitten three times at daycare. The child who did the biting can help comfort the bitten child—if both parties agree. If your child was bit by another toddler at school or daycare, there are a few steps you can take. 1 mom found this helpful I think the daycare worker and the parents should work on it but I believe it is a phase. Many years ago I read in a parenting magazine that his was appropriate with babies. If your child was bitten at daycare, talk to the caregiver right away. She didn't have any rhyme or reason to her biting. Is your child being neglected at daycare? Since we enrolled her at 5mths old she has been bitten almost 10 times by the same child. N'T believe the woman told her that the human mouth is full of bacteria, I. Biting or whining gets her nowhere bite on one hand could be explained away easily by a daycare my has! Hurt find something to do, it may teach your child to be protected while at daycare, to! Happen again because it is the staff 's job to see to that is the staff have stated our! This biter, take your daughter to bite her up and she had been bitten and the wound n't! 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