If you decide to have your kid repeat kindergarten, be sure to look at this k-8 public charter school option. I went through the same thing with my son. And repeating kindergarten is always an option to consider for a child who would benefit from extra time in that environment. Details Parent Category: Education Advice Category: Education Advice ( The Process) From the parents who had their child held back - for development reasons, academic struggles or otherwise - … [ Self-Test: Could Your Child Have an Executive Function Deficit? Parent Experience of Holding a Child Back a Grade. Don’t regret having my child, but damn sure regret not saving more before I blew that final load. What made my finale decision was that I would rather him go to Kindergarten only once, being prepared and given all the time possiable to mature, than have to repeat and start with new friends and the fears of kids making fun and adding new problems. With the current push for high educational standards, more and more kids are facing the possibility of retention because they’re not achieving test scores required for promotion. But many are swamped with the demands of everyday life and not even sure where to start. In many schools today, tests are being used to determine whether a child will go on to the next grade or repeat the same grade. I actually asked for her to repeat … You take the risk of putting a "damper" on her outlook on education because she may become bored with stuff she already knows. Yet, her kindergarten classroom is likely to have a wider spread of ages and abilities than ever. You may want to seek help from the school in having your child assessed for school readiness. Standing on the playground at your new preschool, I was asked by a mom named Suzy what I thought I was “doing” with you for kindergarten. Real-world practice. Indeed, moms like Amy regret not holding their child back for that very reason: “I wish we had had my daughter repeat kindergarten. Long story short, the principal was against it, I had to fight regret, comments, different things, but it ended up being the best decision to have her repeat first grade, even after I had regret about previously sending her on to kindergarten. But know that teachers don’t make the recommendation to repeat kindergarten without a lot of thought. When it comes to preparing children for kindergarten academics, parents have an essential role to play. Repeating kindergarten taught me a lot about not fearing a sensitive issue, and communicating loud and clear with no regrets! Repeating kindergarten would be beneficial for the social aspect but you also have to take into consideration her academic abilities. It may very well include children who are just under 5 years old, who have never been to preschool and can’t sit still, and in the same room, mature 6-year-olds who are fluently reading chapter books and ready for advanced math. #CommissionsEarned As an Amazon Associate, ADDitude earns a commission from qualifying purchases made by ADDitude readers on the affiliate links we share. But here we are, almost 5 years later, and I am beset with anxiety over your August birthday.It all began when we moved from New York City to a desirable coastal Connecticut suburb. There have been reports of certain parents in New York, who have the time, energy, and wealth to work around the law, enrolling their child in kindergarten at a public school for one year, re-enrolling them in kindergarten at a private school for a year, and then un-enrolling their child and putting them back into public school for the first grade.
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