: +63 2 8806-2883, Social, Environmental and Economic Dimensions, Back to Construction Solutions by Applications. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 is an epoxy resin based, 2-part, thixotropic, 1:1 mixing ratio, high performance anchoring adhesive. Sets up in dry, wet or flooded conditions. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Author Sika (NZ) Limited, 85-91 Patiki Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026, New Zealand, 0800 745 269, www.sika.co.nz Subject Product Data Sheet Keywords Sika AnchorFix®-3001 020205010030000004 phone +1 800-933-7452, PDF - 637 KB Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Author: Sika Italia S.p.A., Via Luigi Einaudi, 6, 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI), Phone: +39 02 54778 111, Fax: +39 02 54778 119, info@sika.it, www.sika.it Subject: Scheda Dati Prodotto Keywords: Sika AnchorFix®-3001 020205010030000004 Adesivo di ancoraggio epossidico ad elevate prestazioni Created Date: 1/4/2021 12:53:54 PM Anchoring structural steel to concrete, safety barriers, balcony stanchions, canopies, signs, hand rails, racking, machinery, masonry supports, stadium seats, reinforcing and starter bars. Sika Anchorfix 3001 là keo khoan cấy thép chuyên dụng, chất lượng cao, hai thành phần gốc epoxy, không dung môi ứng dụng cho việc neo thép có ren và thép chịu lực trong các cấu kiện bê tông bị nứt và không bị nứt. Sika AnchorFix -3001 must be used at a temperature of between +10°C and +30°C. Grouting horizontally and vertically, where slow-setting allows extended working time. AC3608 ESR approved for cracked and uncracked concrete. Sika AnchorFix 3001 - Hóa Chất Neo Cấy Thép Sika AnchorFix 3001 là sản phẩm neo thép chuyên dụng chất lượng cao, 2 thành phần, gá»c Epoxy, không dung môi, có tính xúc biến, ứng dụng cho viá»c neo thép có ren và thép chá»u lá»±c trong các cấu kiá»n bê tông bá» nứt và không bá» nứt Hóa chất neo cấy thép Sika AnchorFix 3001 là sả Sika Anchorfix 3001 là sản phẩm neo thép chất lượng cao, hai thành phần, gốc epoxy, không dung môi, có tính xúc biến, ứng dụng cho việc neo thép có ren và thép chịu lực trong các cấu kiện bê tông bị nứt và không bị nứt. Sika Anchorfix 3001 là sản phẩm chất lượng cao dùng để neo thép.Bao gồm 2 thành phần, gốc epoxy, không dung môi, có tính xúc biến. - Long open time- Can be used in damp concrete- High load capacity- ETA approval available- ICC-ES approval available- Drinking Water Certified- LEED Attestation available- Fire resistance rest report available- Seismic testing available- Styrene-free- Excellent adhesion to the substrate- Shrinkage-free hardening- Standard guns can be used (with the 250ml cartridge)- Low odor- Low wastage. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el anclaje de barras de acero de refuerzo corrugadas y pernos roscados. This VOC-free epoxy acts as an adhesive and anchoring gel and is ideal for use for a variety of high-load capacity applications. Tiempo abierto Fabricado con una tecnología de alta calidad y libre de estireno, el Sika AnchorFix®-3001 ha sido específicamente diseñado para proveer una alta resistencia para uso en condiciones secas, húmedas e inundadas en numerosos materiales de base. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el anclaje de barras de acero de refuerzo corrugadas y pernos roscados. Thường được sử dụng cho việc neo thép có ren, thép chịu lực trong các kết cấu bê tông bị Ficha Técnica de Produto Sika AnchorFix 1 / 6 A solvent-free, thixotropic, two-part, epoxy resin-based, high performance anchoring adhesive for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in both cracked and un-cracked concrete. HT AF3001 30092015âJPCâREV2 155388 1/11 Sika® AnchorFixâ3001 Descripción: Sika Anchorfix®â3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el anclaje de barras de acero de refuerzo corrugadas y pernos roscados. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 conforme o LEED v2009 IEQc 4.1 Baixa Emissão - Adesivos e Selantes, categoria do pro-duto "Aplicações Arquitectónicas, adesivo multiuso de construção". Sika Anchorfix 3001 có thể thi công trên bề mặt bê tông ẩm ướt, khả năng chịu tải trọng cao, bám dính hoàn toàn lên bề mặt nền, không co ngót khi đóng rắn Sika AnchorFix®-3001 is an epoxy resin based, 2-part, thixotropic, 1:1 mixing ratio, high performance an- choring adhesive. For the fixing of non-expanding anchors in the following: Structural work:- Rebar/ steel reinforcement anchoring in new and refurbishment works- Threaded rods- Bolts and special fastening/ fixing systems, Metal work, carpentry:- Fixing of handrails, balustrades and supports- Fixing of railings- Fixing of window and door frames, In the following substrates:- Concrete (cracked and un-cracked)- Hard natural and reconstituted stone- Solid rock- Hollow and solid masonry- Wood, Part A: Off-whitePart B: dark grey/ blackPart A+B mixed: grey, 888 Marcos Alvarez Ave. Talon V, Sika AnchorFix®-3001 HIGH PERFORMANCE, PROFESSIONAL EPOXY ANCHORING ADHESIVE DESCRIPTION Solvent-free, thixotropic, 2-component, epoxy resin- based, high performance anchoring adhesive for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in both cracked and un-cracked concrete. Resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including aqueous solutions of aluminum chloride at saturation, aluminium nitrate at 10% concentration, jet fuel, diesel fuel, domestic kerosene and many other substances at 75°C (167°F) while retaining at least 80% of physical values. Sika Anchorfix 3001 là keo khoan cấy thép chuyên dụng, chất lượng cao, hai thành phần gá»c epoxy, không dung môi ứng dụng cho viá»c neo thép có ren và thép chá»u lá»±c trong các cấu kiá»n bê tông bá» nứt và không bá» nứt. E' specifico per per l'ancoraggio di barre filettate e d'armatura in calcestruzzo sia fessurato che non fessurato, umido o ⦠(en). Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Adesivo epóxi de alto desempenho para ancoragem, uso em concreto fissurado e não fissurado Sika AnchorFix-3001 é um sistema epóxi bi-componente, de alto desempenho para ancoragem de barras roscadas e barras de reforço. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 se ajusta al LEED v2009 IEQc 4.1 Low Emitting Materials - Adhesivos y selladores, cate-goría de producto "Aplicaciones arquitectónicas, adhe-sivo para construcción multipropósito" Hoja técnica Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Mayo 2019, Versión 01.01 020205010030000004 1 / 6 Fabricado con una tecnología de alta ca-lidad, bajo en VOC´s (compuestos Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el an claje de barras de acero de refuerzo corrugadas y per- nos roscados. Hãy gá»i và mua ngay theo sỠ⦠(en), PDF - 244 KB Sika AnchorFix®-2020 achieves high early strengths quickly in numerous base materials and is suitable for medium / heavy loads in both structural and non-structural applications Sika AnchorFix®-3001 ist ein 2-komponentiger, thixotroper Hochleistungsankerklebstoff auf Epoxidharzbasis mit einem Mischungsverhältnis von 1:1 für chemische Dübel von Gewindeankerstangen und Armierungseisen in gerissenen und ungerissenen trockenen oder feuchten Beton. DESCrIPCIóN Sika AnchorFix®-3001 ha sido especialmente formulado como un sistema de dos componentes, de alto desempeño para anclajes de barras roscadas y barras conformadas, en hormigón fisurado y no fisurado*. Sika AnchorFix®-1 High strength, fast setting anchoring adhesive for common anchoring projects. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 ADHESIVO EPOXICO PARA ANCLAJES ESTRUCTURALES Sika® AnchorFix®-3001 ha sido diseñado para proveer una alta resistencia para usos en condiciones secar, húmedas e inundadas en numerosos materiales de base. Fax. Canada Cures without exhibiting expansion pressures. Tipo Prodotto: Codice di identificazione unica della tipologia: Sika Anchorfix® 2. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Juillet 2020, Version 02.01 020205010030000004 FICHE PRODUIT Sika AnchorFix®-3001 COLLE DE SCELLEMENT D'ANCRAGES PROFESSIONNELLE, HAUTE PERFORMANCE, ÀBASE DE RÉ-SINE ÉPOXY INFORMATIONS SUR LE PRODUIT Colle de scellement d'ancrages bicomposante, haute performance, thixotrope, à base de résine époxy, ⦠(See Chemical Resistance Guide). Suitable for deeper and scattered holes or applications where a fast-turnaround is not needed. oz)side by side cartridges/5 per case, 601 Avenue Delmar No. Sika Anchorfix®‐3001 02 02 05 01 002 0 000002 5034408 1. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 high performance, professional epoxy anchoring adhesive Solvent-free, thixotropic, 2-component, epoxy resin-based, high performance anchoring adhesive for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in both cracked and un-cracked concrete. Sika AnchorFix' 3001 High performance, professional epoxy anchoring adhesive SOO ml 1000 g PRESENTACIÓN Cartuchos de 250 crn3 y de 400 crn3 COLOR color mezcla: gris oscuro SIN DISOLVENTES, DE DOS COMPONENTES, PARA ANCLAJES DE BARRAS CORRUCADAS Y oz) side by side cartridges/12 per case1500 mL (50.7 US fl. El Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el anclaje de barras corrugadas y pernos roscados. Sika AnchorFix®-3001, IAPMO R&T, Certificate No. DAP 300ML, Slate Gray, Polyurethane Waterproof Concrete Sealant . Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para anclajes de alto desempeño, para uso en concreto fisurado y no fisurado. Versatile material allows application as adhesive and anchoring gel. Sika AnchorFix(R) 3001 Epoxy Anchoring Adhesive is formulated for high strength with an extended working time. Sika AnchorFix-3001 10 oz (250mL)adhesive anchor system has been specially formulated as a high performance, two component adhesive anchor system for threaded bars and reinforcing bars in both cracked and uncracked concrete. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 is an epoxy resin based, 2-part, thixotropic, 1:1 mixing ratio, high performance anchoring adhesive. Ficha Técnica de Produto Sika AnchorFix®-3001 Novembro 2017, Versão 01.02 020205010030000004 1 ⦠GENERAL El Sika AnchorFix® -3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el anclaje de barras corrugadas y pernos roscados. sika fix pu. Extended open and gel times accommodate anchoring in deep and scattered holes. Cures down to 0°C (32°F) when material is conditioned to 5°C (41°F). HT AF3001 30092015‐JPC‐REV2 155388 1/11 Sika® AnchorFix‐3001 Descripción: Sika Anchorfix®‐3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos : +63 2 8806-2875 Bob Haas, economics advisor for Sika, will lead a session at the #WOC 360 Virtual Industry Forum. Styrene- and VOC- free; Versatile material allows application as adhesive and anchoring gel MATErIAlES DE BASE (SuSTrATOS) Die Eignung von Sika AnchorFix®-3001 ist vor jeder Anwendung bezüglich Haftzugfestigkeit und Verfärbung auf einer unauffälligen Stelle zu prüfen. Sika AnchorFix®-2020 is a two-component, solvent and styrene-free, epoxy acrylate-based anchoring adhesive engineered for application down to -10 °C (14 °F). El Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el anclaje de barras corrugadas y pernos roscados. Supplied as 1: 1 ratio in side by side cartridges. Almacene y pre condicione el producto por encima Sika AnchorFix®-3001 se ajusta al LEED v2009 IEQc 4.1 Low Emitting Materials - Adhesivos y selladores, cate-goría de producto "Aplicaciones arquitectónicas, adhe-sivo para construcción multipropósito" Hoja técnica 1 / 6 Anchoring of rebar or threaded rods in solid concrete, masonry, brick, block and stone. Sika AnchorFix-3001 is a high performance, 2 component adhesive anchor system to be uses in cracked & uncracked concrete, hard natural stone, solid rock, solid masonry Sika AnchorFix®-3001 A solvent-free, thixotropic, two-part, epoxy resin-based, high performance anchoring adhesive for threaded rods and reinforcing bars in both cracked and un-cracked concrete. Genaue Verankerungskräfte sind durch Ausreissversuche zu ermitteln. High-Strength, High-Load Capacity and VOC-Free Pure Epoxy Anchoring Adhesive with Extended WorkingTime, 250 mL (8.4 US fl. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 conforme o LEED v2009 IEQc 4.1 Baixa Emissão - Adesivos e Selantes, categoria do pro-duto "Aplicações Arquitectónicas, adesivo multiuso de construção". Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epóxico de dos componentes para el an claje de barras de acero de refuerzo corrugadas y per-nos roscados. - Long open time - Can be used in damp concrete Performs in both cracked and non-cracked concrete. Sika AnchorFix®-3001 es un adhesivo epoxi, tixotrópico, de dos componentes, libre de solventes para anclajes de alta capacidad de carga de barras conformadas y barras roscadas en hormigón fisurado y no fisurado. De acuerdo al AC308, los anclajes que pasan el creep test son adecuados para resistir cargas de tensión sostenidas. Reinforcement bars in both cracked and un-cracked dry or damp concrete in deep and scattered holes for variety! Refuerzo corrugadas y per- nos roscados masonry, brick, block and stone or threaded rods in solid,! A temperature of between +10°C and +30°C 1 ratio in side by side cartridges/12 per case1500 mL ( 20.2 fl... Resina epossidica, bicomponente, tixotropico, rapporto di miscelazione 1:1 is an epoxy resin based 2-part. 2 8806-2883, Social, Environmental and Economic Dimensions, Back to Construction by. Anclajes que pasan el creep test son adecuados para sika anchorfix 3001 cargas de tensión.... 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