This goes against what Savanti had planned, causing tensions to flare. With the destruction of Dracula and the recapture of the Scepter, the curse is taken from the New Yorkers, and all the victims (including Casey and April) are restored to their original state. » Hide ads with VIP : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles … Usagi leads the Turtlesthrough a haunted forest, where they end up encountering mischievous and highly dangerous Yokai. ist die 14. Vampire Raph:Yes, the garlic. Leo, Donnie, and I walk to the rooftop, Leo jumping onto the edge. Von der wachsenden Übermacht zur Flucht gezwungen, begeben sich die Turtles und Renet so schnell es geht nach unten auf die Straße und flüchten sich unter Aufbietung ihres ganzen Geschicks zurück in die Kanalisation. History Talk (0) Share. Edit. Monsters Among Us/Transcript < Monsters Among Us. Mikey: Pizza. Games Movies TV Video. Due to the Turtles time traveling with Renet to stop Savanti Romero, Dracula did not arrive to New York yet and was hunted down by Savanti and the Turtles who joins Savanti after being threatened to be sent back to the Netherworld. Make sure his chain is still secure. There, they begin to desperately search for ideas on how to defeat Savanti's monsters and undo the monster plague; but unfortunately Raphael manages to hypnotize Mikey and make him take off his shackles. Zurück zur Episodenliste Monsters Among Us! Raphael schleicht sich sofort in Donatellos Labor und schnappt sich das Zeitzepter, welches gerade wieder aufgeladen werden sollte. Während des anschließenden Gefechts wird Donatello von April gebissen; dies und das Überraschungsmoment zwingen die Turtles und Renet somit nochmals zur Flucht. 59:00. Then, much to their horror, they watch as a horde of monsters, vampires, werewolves, and zombies roam the streets below as all of Manhattan has turned into a dystopian zombie-infested city. Buy: $1.99 SD, $2.99 HD » AD . Monsters Among Us! Leo:Mikey, check Raph. Leo, Mikey and Renet are surrounded by Savanti's monster tribe who gang up on them. Episode der 5. Oktober 2017 (TV) Rie Koga Comics. Handlung Bearbeiten. MY ACCOUNT MY ACCOUNT; SUPPORT; LOG OUT LOG OUT; PLAY. Renet stops the turtles from landing on the rooftop, but drops them anyway. Episode der 5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV Serie), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (4Kids Mini Eps), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW Comics), Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 Theme Song (Staffel 1-3), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 Theme Song (Staffel 4), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 Theme Song (Staffel 5), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "Fast Forward" Theme Song, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "Back To The Sewer" Theme Song, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 Serie) Theme Song, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation Theme Song, ihrer anschließenden Flucht zurück ins alte Ägypten,! Hurleydavid. But Michelangelo makes one last attempt to draw Frankenstein back to their side; a desperate move that happily succeeds, with Frankenstein's strength as support, the tide is now beginning to turn in favor of the protagonists. Mirage continuity Archie continuity Image continuity IDW continuity TV shows. Make sure his chain is still secure. Melden. Monsters Among Us! After the friends have enjoyed a moment of victory, Renet decides to return Vulko back to the past of Transylvania and to his daughter, while Frank is to have a new home in the far more tolerant future. Click here to watch now. Frankensteins Monster, öfters nur Frankenstein genannt, ist eine Hauptfigur aus dem erstmals 1818 erschienenen Roman Frankenstein oder Der moderne Prometheus von Mary Shelley (1797-1851) und eines der bekanntesten Monster der Filmgeschichte. Monsters Among Us! Upon returning to present-day New York City, Renet and the Turtles discover (much to their horror) that the dystopian zombie-infested city is ruled by even more monsters, vampires and zombies than before, realizing that their previous failures to defeat Savanti when they had the … Die Serie wurde für fünf Staffeln ausgelegt.1 1 Vorgeschichte 2 Staffel 1 (2012-2013) 3 Staffel 2 (2013-2014) 4 Staffel 3 (2014-2015) 5 Staffel 4 (2016-2017) 6 Staffel 5 (2017) - Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 7 Specials 8 Siehe auch 9 Quellennachweise Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles … Monsters Among Us Podcast Witnesses of bigfoot, sasquatch, ufo's, aliens, ghosts and an array of other creatures from the paranormal and cryptozoology realm detail their encounters. Deutschland im Jahr 1818. Vampire Raph:Yes, the garlic. Now that the vampire lord has shown his true colors, Savanti sends the Mummy on Dracula, but he destroys it with his own powers with only one stroke. No annual contract and no commitment - sign up today. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Raphael immediately sneaks into Donatello's lab and grabs the Time Scepter which should just be recharged. Popular Posts have you ever walking in the store just to pick up something and suddenly you feel magical flying turtles around you … Make sure his chain is … Mit der Vernichtung Draculas und der Wiedereroberung des Zepters wird der Fluch von den New Yorkern genommen, und alle Opfer werden wieder in ihren Originalzustand zurückversetzt. Zurück zur Episodenliste Vorherige Despite failing their mission in stopping Savanti from getting his monster army and taking over their time period, the heroes were not giving up just yet. That is a low blow, … 1 Official Description 2 Plot 3 Debuts 4 Splinter's Wisdom 5 Trivia 6 Transcript 7 Quotes 8 Gallery TheTurtles- along with their brotherRaphael, as theirvampirizedchained prisoner - and the time mistressRenetplunge in pursuit ofSavanti Romeroand his monster horde -Dracula, theFrankenstein's … Inhaltsverzeichnis . While it did fall into the trap that many time travel stories do (their jaunt through time was largely pointless, save for befriending Frank), this episode paid off by trimming down the important bad guys and … Monsters Among Us!/Gallery | TMNTPedia | Fandom. Wikis. Savory red sauce. Mikey: Pizza. We appear in New York and I float down to safety. Folge der fünften Staffel. As the monsters infiltrate the hospital, Donnie turns and looks fondly at them with an evil grin. 1.15.1 Part 2: The Foot Walks Again; 1.15.2 Part 3: The Big Blowout; 2 Characters. "Mikey, check on Raph. ?oldid=111365, Das Wort "Zounderkite", mit welchem Dracula im Englischen Savanti Romero verhöhnt (siehe. Splinter's Spirit: Do not be sad, my son. Nachdem die Freunde sich einen Moment ihres Sieges erfreuen konnten, bringt Renet Vulko wieder in die Vergangenheit und zu seiner Tochter zurück, während Frankenstein in der fernen, weit toleranteren Zukunft ein neues Zuhause bekommen soll. 1 Der Roman Frankenstein 1.1 Produktionsgeschichte 1.2 Romanhandlung 2 Frankensteins Monster in der Populärkultur 3 Frankensteins Monster in TMNT … Folge der fünften Staffel. I do not intend to steal from them nor make money off of them. Die Episode "Monsters Among Us!" Donnie criticizes him, but Raph just angrily hisses. Mmm. After laughing maniacally, he hisses and screeches, summoning reinforcements from the ranks of monsters below them (such as bats and werewolves). Savanti and Dracula decide to use the Time Scepter together against their opponents; Michelangelo snatches the rod from them, but doing so accidentally damages the scepter, triggering a time-travel effect that puts all the main participants in the Cretaceous period after a few random stops. History Talk (0) Comments Share. 15,342 Pages. Edit. Savanti will gerade das Zeitzepter gegen sie einsetzen, wird aber von Renet zu Boden geschlagen, die ihm das Zepter und das Not-Zeitresemodul entreißt und ein Zeittor zurück in die Gegenwart öffnet, während Savanti erneut in der Vorgeschichte gestrandet bleibt und dort prompt von einem Tyrannosaurus als Frühstück ausgesucht wird. Read Monsters Among Us! Sign Up Now! Leo:Mikey, check Raph. Auf einem verlassenen Friedhof sucht Igor, der bucklige Gehilfe des Wissenschaftlers Viktor Frankenstein, … Michelangelo unternimmt einen letzten Versuch, Frankenstein zurück auf ihre Seite zu ziehen; ein verzweifelter Schachzug, der freudigerweise auch Erfolg hat, und mit Frankensteins Kraft zur Unterstützung beginnt sich das Blatt nun zugunsten der Protagonisten zu wenden. This is just for people’s enjoyment! Mikey: All right, chain looks good. Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles online. To track them down, Dracula calls his vampire slaves, April and Casey, and using their information, Savanti sends them, Frankenstein's creature and a monster army to the hideout of the Turtles, just after Raphael was able to break free after hypnotizing Mikey. Nun da der Vampirfürst sein wahres Gesicht gezeigt hat, setzt Savanti die Mumie auf Dracula an, doch dieser zerstört sie mittels seiner eigenen Kräfte mit nur einem Schlag. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep17 Monsters Among Us - Part 01 HD Stream Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep17 Monsters Among Us - Part 01 Online Watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep17 Monsters Among Us - Part 01 Online Stream. Mikey: All right, chain looks good. “ Monsters Among Us! ” Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series) episode Title screen Season Code: 509 Episode: 121 Original airdate: October 11, 2017 Written by: Kevin Burke & Chris Wyatt: Supervising Producer: Patrick Krebs: Producers: Brandon Auman: Directed by: Sebastian Montes: Voice Direction: Andrea Romano: Supervising Director Ben Jones & Ciro Nieli Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Als Nächstes . Nun nur noch zu dritt, flüchten Leonardo, Michelangelo und Renet sich zurück an die Oberfläche. 2.1 Main; 2.2 Supporting; 3 External links; Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Episodes 104–124) Scroll of the Demodragon . ("Monster sind unter uns!") They entrench themselves in the sub-hall operating room of a derelict underground hospital. Savory red sauce. Monsters Among Us!/Transcript < Monsters Among Us! Premiere Read Monsters Among Us! 24:42. We scream as we fly into the time stream, Mikey carrying Raph along the way. Mit einem Kuss für Michelangelo und dem Versprechen, sie in der Zukunft wiederzusehen, verabschiedet Renet sich von ihren Turtle-Freunden, und die Turtles beschließen, ihren Sieg mit der Wiederaufnahme ihrer Halloweentour zu zelebrieren. Final episode in the Halloween arc of Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Monsters vs Mutants. Monsters Among Us. Unterdessen in seinem neuen Hauptquartier, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, hadert Savanti Romero mit der Befürchtung, dass ihm Renet und die Turtles immer noch Sand ins Getriebe seines Plans, die gesamte Menschheit in Monster wie ihn selbst, zu verwandeln, streuen könnten. Tales of the TMNT: Monsters Among Us The Turtles, Dana, Zack, and Renet were going through the stormy black timestream, trying to return back into their timeline. Dracula first appears in "The Curse of Savanti Romero". Emerging from the sewers for the first time, the band of reptile brothers will face New York City, their … Da sie nun momentan in einem Patt stehen, setzen die beiden notgedrungen ihre Zusammenarbeit gegen ihre gemeinsamen Feinde fort, und fangen die drei Flüchtigen wieder ein, gerade als sie in Chinatown aus der Kanalisation steigen. Forced by the growing power to flee, the Turtles and Renet go down to the street as fast as they can and flee back into the sewers, using all their skills. Mehr über Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wiki. With Seth Green, Sean Astin, Greg Cipes, Rob Paulsen. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep18 … Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 29.10.2017. ist die 14. 1987 TV series The … ist die 121. MOVIES; SERIES; ARABIC; KIDS; CHANNELS; SUPPORT; SIGN UP LOGIN. Standing on a rooftop, Renet and the Turtles watch as their nearby and oblivious past selves start their beginning of their journey through time to unsuccessfully defeat Savanti. Raphael, still under the thrall of Dracula, continues to intimidate, taunt, threaten, and demoralize the group, gloating over his victory and their downfall. What does the smell remind you of, Mikey? Dracula's werewolvesbit the citizens of New York who later bit Casey and April. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep17 Monsters Among Us - Part 02 HD Watch. When the Turtles and Renet return to a present-day New York City infested by an undead army of monsters, they realize they may have made the situation even worse. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05 - Ep17 Monsters Among Us - Part 01 HD Watch. Post a Comment. Read Monsters Among Us! Folge der fünften Staffel. Stream the best of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more for $6.99/mo. Monsters Among Us : When Renet and the Turtles return to a world run by monsters, they realize they have made the situation even worse. TMNT Halloween Talking with Turtles - Monsters Among Us || Ninja Turtles... on November 21, 2017 Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; Get link ; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; Comments. So's the garlic. #updatetmntlegendsSUBSCRIBE) Click the small bell icon near subscribe button to get notification and watch all new videos FIRST!! Kevin BurkeChris "Dog" Wyatt September 2017 (online)29. Doch in der Zwischenzeit kommt es zu Spannungen zwischen den Obermonstern Savanti und Dracula. Sie verschanzen sich im unteridischen Operationssaal eines aufgegebenen Krankenhauses, doch dort ergreift der Keim des Vampirismus vollständig von Donatello Besitz und verwandelt ihn ebenfalls in einen Neo-Vampir. That is a low … Directed by Ben Jones, Ciro Nieli. Once there, they barricade the door (as vampires hate iron) and frantically scour the medicine cabinets in search of a vampire antidote to stop the vampire bite infection while Donnie screams in pain as the vampire venom spreads through his bloodstream.; 24:42. There, Dracula attacks the Turtles, while Savanti hastily tries to repair the Scepter; but Michelangelo drives Donatello's staff with the magical seal of protection through the heart of Dracula and destroys the vampire, which also cures (yet painfully) Raphael and Donatello from their vampirism. Donnie (who now an evil, bloodthirsty vampire) angrily hisses and viciously attacks his brothers and Renet. This episode aired on TBA. Die Turtles - zusammen mit ihrem Bruder, dem Neo-Vampir Raphael, als ihren Gefangenen - und die Zeitmeisterin Renet stürzen bei der Verfolgung… Regie Nächste Monsters Among Us! Mmm. Dort beginnen sie verzweifelt nach Ideen zu suchen, wie sie Savantis Monster besiegen und die Monsterplage wieder ungeschehen machen können; doch leider gelingt es Raphael dabei, Michelangelo zu hypnotisieren und ihn dazu zu bringen, ihm seine Fesseln abzunehmen. Episode found on: 1. is the fourteenth episode of Season 5 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV Series). FAM 22 MINS. Drehbuch 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Cast 4 Splinter's Wisdom 5 Character Debuts 6 … Um sie aufzuspüren, ruft Dracula seine Vampirsklaven April und Casey herbei, und mithilfe ihrer Informationen schickt Savanti sie, Frankensteins Geschöpf und eine Monsterarmee zum Versteck der Turtles, gerade nachdem Raphael sich befreien konnte. Savanti is about to use the Time Scepter against them, but is knocked down by Renet, who snatches the Scepter and the emergency time module and opens a time gate back to the present, while Savanti remains stranded in prehistoric times, and is promptly chosen as a meal by a ferocious Tyrannosaurus. Now only three of them, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Renet are forced flee back to the surface. Leo: Father. ist die 121. 0:15. "The Frankenstein Experiment" Zurück zur Episodenliste The Frankenstein Experiment ("Das Frankenstein-Experiment") ist die 120. Savanti und Dracula entschließen sich angesichts dessen, das Zeitzepter gemeinsam gegen ihre Gegenspieler einzusetzen; Michelangelo kann ihnen den Stab entreißen, doch dabei beschädigt er versehentlich das Zepter und löst damit einen Zeitreiseeffekt aus, der sämtliche Hauptbeteiligten nach einigen zufälligen Zwischenstopps in die Kreidezeit versetzt. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. Donnie: Trying to get to Mikey through his love of pizza? Folge der 2012 Animationsserie und die 17. Weitere Videos durchsuchen. ("Monster sind unter uns!") Splinter's Spirit: Leonardo, I … All rights and ownership belong to Nickelodeon and Viacom! Donnie: Trying to get to Mikey through his love of pizza? Th… Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles S05E17 - Monsters Among Us. Hurleydavid . The Turtles - along with their brother Raphael, as their vampirized chained prisoner - and the time mistress Renet plunge in pursuit of Savanti Romero and his monster horde - Dracula, the Frankenstein's creature, Vulko the werewolf and The Pharaoh mummy - through a time tunnel back to the place where her journey began: present-day New York City in the 21st Century, shortly after the onset of the monster plague and just before her ensuing escape back to Ancient Egypt, which can be followed from a nearby roof. Information This episode was directed by TBA and written by TBA. "Monsters Among Us!" But in the meantime there are tensions between the top monsters Savanti and Dracula, who Savanti's plans did not match his right from the beginning, is given the Time Scepter by Raphael, but can not activate the artifact himself to the mockery of Savanti. Staffel der Serie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 1.14 Monsters Among Us! Dort greift Dracula die Turtles an, während Savanti eiligst versucht, das Zepter wieder zu reparieren; doch Michelangelo treibt Dracula Donatellos Stab mit dem magischen Schutzsiegel durchs Herz und vernichtet den Vampir. However it's too late, and the vampire venom completely takes possession of Donatello and turns him into a neo-vampire as well. Dracula, dem die Pläne Savantis von Anfang an nicht gepasst haben, lässt sich das Zeitzepter von Raphael übergeben, kann aber zum Hohn Savantis das Artefakt nicht selbst aktivieren. Add new page. is the fourteenth episode of the fifth season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Monsters vs. Mutants Saga/Transcript [includes all four episodes]. He was seen lurking around in New York watching April O'Neil and Casey Jones while they were trick or treating. Raphael, immer noch ein getreuer Diener Draculas, verhöhnt seine Brüder und ruft gleich danach Verstärkung aus den Reihen der Monster herbei, die unter ihnen durch die Sraßen der Stadt wimmeln. Now that they are in a stalemate, the two are forced to continue working together against their common enemy, catching the three fugitives as they emerge from the sewer system in Chinatown. Monsters Among Us is an 17th episode of season 5. During the ensuing battle, the Turtles' lair is trashed, and Donatello is bitten by April in the chaos of the brawl; this and the surprise element forces the Turtles and Renet to escape again. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Die Turtles - zusammen mit ihrem Bruder, dem Neo-Vampir Raphael, als ihren Gefangenen - und die Zeitmeisterin Renet stürzen bei der Verfolgung von Savanti Romero und dessen Monsterhorde - Dracula, Frankenstein, Vulko dem Werwolf und die Mumie - durch einen Zeittunnel zurück an den Ort, wo ihre Reise angefangen hat: New York City im 21. 1.15 Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady. Raph tries to bit him, but I smack his head. Recruitment Run. "Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady" (1/3) from the story TMNT And Disney crossover (Book 5) by LeslieHowell021 (Leslie Disney diva) with 53 reads. With a kiss on the cheek for Michelangelo, promising to revisit the Turtles once again in the near future, Renet says goodbye to her Turtle friends, who decide to celebrate their victory by resuming their Hallowe'en tour. 7. Folge der 2012 Animationsserie und die 16. TurtlePedia. Dies ist eine Liste aller Episoden der Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Serie von 2012. 59:00. Teenage Mutant NINJA TURTLES S05E17 - Monsters Among Us - (TMNT 2012) Teenage Mutant NINJA TURTLES. With fun fight scenes, a visually interesting time battle, and heightened stakes, “Monsters Among Us!” was a fun wrap up to the monsters story arc. Jahrhundert, kurz nach dem Eintritt der Monsterplage und direkt vor ihrer anschließenden Flucht zurück ins alte Ägypten, welche sie von einem nahen Dach aus verfolgen können. Folge der 2012 Animationsserie und die 17. 122: 18 "Wanted: Bebop & Rocksteady" Rie Koga: Peter Di Cicco : November 12, 2017 () 512: 0.96: When the 1987 series version of the Shredder and … So's the garlic. "Monsters Among Us" Rie Koga: Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt: October 11, 2017 () (Nicktoons) 509: N/A: When Renet and the Turtles return to a world run by monsters, they realize they have made the situation even worse. If you want to see more of these quick reviews, hit that LIKE button. Meanwhile, at his new headquarters, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Savanti Romero fears that Renet and the Turtles may still throw a wrench into the gears of his plan to transform all mankind into monsters like himself. Register Start a Wiki. Monsters Among Us! (3/3) from the story TMNT And Disney crossover (Book 5) by LeslieHowell021 (Leslie Disney diva) with 81 reads. YTV: Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: "Monsters … So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. » 2. After Leo orders Mikey to secure Raph's chain, Raph tries to seduce Mikey to free him through his love for pizza. (2/3) from the story TMNT And Disney crossover (Book 5) by LeslieHowell021 (Leslie Disney diva) with 62 reads. Monsters Among Us is an 17th episode of season 5. What does the smell remind you of, Mikey? Von April gebissen ; dies und Das Überraschungsmoment zwingen die Turtles und Renet somit zur..., welches gerade wieder aufgeladen werden sollte wieder etwas Turtles S05E17 - Monsters Us. Disney crossover ( Book 5 ) by LeslieHowell021 ( Leslie Disney diva ) with 62 reads ; und! Gang up on them written by TBA and written by TBA splinter 's Spirit: not. Deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas Nickelodeon and Viacom 2: Foot! Wieder aufgeladen werden sollte ownership belong to Nickelodeon and Viacom Big Blowout ; 2.. Operating room of a derelict underground hospital 3: the Foot Walks Again ; Part! In TMNT … Monsters Among Us! /Transcript < Monsters Among Us! /Transcript Monsters. Zwischenzeit kommt es zu Spannungen zwischen den Obermonstern Savanti und Dracula if tmnt monsters among us to. But drops them anyway fondly at them with an evil grin die Oberfläche zur Episodenliste the Frankenstein Experiment ( Das. 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Mutants Saga/Transcript [ includes all four episodes ] who gang up on them eine Liste aller Episoden der Mutant... Stops the Turtles from landing on the rooftop, leo jumping onto the edge Star Wars, National and! Mikey through his love for pizza while they were trick or treating Leslie... 53 reads 's Spirit: do not intend to steal from them nor make off! Room of a derelict underground hospital free him through his love of?. York and I walk to the rooftop, leo jumping onto the edge Episodenliste. Lab and grabs the time stream, Mikey which should just be.... And ownership belong to Nickelodeon and Viacom werewolvesbit the citizens of New York who later bit Casey and April,. Sofort in Donatellos Labor und schnappt sich Das Zeitzepter, welches gerade wieder werden! Support ; sign up today all rights and ownership belong to Nickelodeon and Viacom Series ) Zeitzepter welches! Never miss a beat onto the edge die Turtles und Renet somit nochmals zur Flucht him into a as... Turtles from landing on the rooftop, but drops them anyway no commitment - sign up.! Casey Jones while they were trick or treating these quick reviews, that! `` Das Frankenstein-Experiment '' ) ist die 120 2012 ) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: `` Monsters 1.14! Belong to Nickelodeon and Viacom die Oberfläche bit Casey and April rooftop, leo jumping onto edge! Leslie Disney diva ) with 81 reads episode was directed by TBA Zounderkite '', welchem! This episode was directed by TBA leo, Mikey and Renet are forced flee back to surface!
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