Though they may appear odd to us, they also prove that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The reproduction is not made by the reproductive organs of the female, which are used only for delivery of the eggs. After researching and writing about a few of them, I have to agree that there's a kind of psychopathic brilliance on display, but it actually turned my stomach a bit. Some larvae will attach themselves to a female's body and become male. Funny Videos - Funny animal, Animal Mating, dog Mating, horse mating, funny animal compilation 2015. The male fuses with the female's body, to the point where all that remains of him are his testes, which are ready to fertilize the female's eggs when she ovulates. Shortly after releasing its phallus, the male dies. 10 Clever Strategies Businesses Use for Their Utmost Benefit; 10 Strangest World Records You Probably Never Knew Existed; Previous Next. In order to survive, they bite a female and never let go if they are lucky enough to cross paths with one of them in the dark. The rest of the males who did not inseminate the queen don't have a promising fate. In that quiet quarter of an hour the wasp lays an egg, gently attaches it to the spider's belly and departs. The redback spider is considered as one of the most dangerous and venomous spiders in the world. Its reproduction is based on a strange ritual in which two of  the animals engage in a penis fight. Alternative mating strategies also exist in young male grey seals, which do have some success. It is often one of their prey wrapped up with their silk. The “lucky” bee falls down on the floor and dies soon afterward. When in the mood to reproduce, a female wasp hunts down a hapless spider by the euphonious name of Plesiometa argyra and paralyzes it for 10 or 15 minutes with a sting. 10 Clever Strategies Businesses Use for Their Utmost Benefit; 10 Strangest World Records You Probably Never Knew Existed; Previous Next. Most species have sex with the only goal of it being for reproduction. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. 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The fertilization of the queen is made during a nuptial flight during which all male are following the queen forming a swarm in order to have a chance to inseminate her. This mating strategy has evolved for deep sea life, where it's rare to come across a member of the opposite sex. 10 Bizarre Animal Mating Habits. Palolo worms: When the moon hits your eye like a big mucus pie Animals 10 Popular Dog Breeds And Why They Were Bred Animals 10 Fascinating Battle Strategies In The Animal Kingdom Animals 10 Pairs Of Animals You Won’t Believe Are Related Animals 10 Rare Animals With Bizarre Adaptations Animals 10 Recently Discovered Animals With Amazing Features Animals Top 10 Abilities Proving That Worms Are Weird I graduated in Human Development, and I am currently doing a certificate in Human Relation and Family Life Education. The male perforates the abdomen of the female with his penis. There's no consensus on how the lek system—which has been studied most in birds—evolved. In order to seduce the female, the male Satin Bowerbird creates a decorative and artistic nest. This certain fish was unknown and undiscovered for a long time. A marine worm in the family Eunicidae, closely related... 4. 1 of 10. 10 Of The Weirdest Animal Mating Rituals 10 Marine Flatworm. Actual mating lasts about five minutes before one or the other finishes and slinks away. When it comes to animals though, they are different. This fish lives in the abyss (between 1,000 and 3,000 meters under water) and the perfect dark of the sea. The Gibraltar Macaque And Their Social Standing This strange phenomenon has been explained by scientists after years of non-understanding. From vicious females to interesting ways to fence, here are 10 of nature's strangest mating strategies: When certain angler fish sub-species mate, the male bites into the female and essentially becomes a parasite. TIME takes a look at other odd (and sometimes disturbing) insect mating rituals. However, while the female is preoccupied with her afternoon snack, the male's genitals continue to work their magic. Top 10 Weird Insect Mating Rituals. Further, post-coital cannibalism and V-shaped penises are not all that uncommon. Like the marine flatworm, the sea slug is a hermaphrodite. If the male is worthy, the female would then let him inseminate her a second time in order to fertilize the eggs. BANANA SLUGS MATE … However, in order to reproduce, their mating selections may even be more complex than humans. ( See the weirdest animal stories of 2016 … The two hermaphrodite slugs start seducing each other during long hours by turning in circles. in Animals, Bizarre, List. When praying mantises mate, the male experiences a tragic ending: the female rips off his head and eats him. To get a female porcupine's attention, the male will urinate on the female from as far as two metres away. Yes, we all know that cheetahs can run faster than motorcycles, and that bats navigate using sound waves, but those tidbits of information aren't nearly as entertaining as immortal jellyfish, butt-breathing turtles, and three-hearted octopuses. [121] Female pinnipeds do appear to have some choice in mates, particularly in lek-breeding species like the walrus, but also in elephant seals where the males try to dominate all … Because Proboscis Monkey males actually use … Green spoon worm larvae are born without a sex. Getty Guys, don't forget to strut your, eh, facial hair -- just ask these birds for advice. 4. In less than a minute, the female is completely recovered from the pee. Scientists have created a special name for this insects reproduction mode: the traumatic insemination. When a female argonaut octopus swims by, the male's phallus detaches from his body, floats to the female and mates with her. Country people and city people can have different rituals of courtship as well, it is usually based on one's. 30 Strangest Animal Mating Habits Honey Bee: Exploding Testicles.. An interesting fact is that during this act, some males actually receive some of the female pheromones onto themselves leading other males to them. Using silk, the female traps the male so that he's stuck to her genitals, saving him for when she's hungry. 10 Bizarre Animal Mating Rituals. That's why I've compiled this “master list” of some of the most amazing and weird animals in the world. While one species gives birth through a penis, another’s testicles’ explode after sex. The land snail is a hermaprodite, or each snail contains reproductive parts for both sexes, so they are able to produce both eggs and sperm. Strange Love: 11 Animals with Truly Weird Courtship Rituals. As brutal as this strategy may seem, it enables the male to have greater reproductive success because while the female is eating his corpse, she isn't mating with other males, so his sperm are essentially guaranteed to fertilize her eggs. With Valentine's Day on the horizon, it is the perfect time to explore some of the weirdest mating strategies in the animal kingdom. In fact, the strange mating process starts during the seducing phase. If the female finds the male's pheromones irresistible, she will then mate with him. But here's the short... Bonobo: Make Love Not War. 69 Strange and Weird Animals. A new study reports that male pond skaters — the Brian Boitanos of the insect world — bully and frighten their female counterparts into mating with them. 8 … A weekly show where knowledge junkies get their fix of trivia-tastic information. The marine... 9 Redback Spider. These weird animals earned the name Proboscis from their bulbous noses, which can grow up to 7 inches long. As weird and whacky as some human mating practices can sometimes be, other animals’ reproductive habits can be even stranger at times. The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Contributor. So those of you who love the weird and wild around us, we've picked our favorite animal stories of 2017. The reproductive cycle of bees is fascinating - and complex. However, this spider is not only dangerous for humans due to her venom, but it is also dangerous for its mate. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Usually they’re one-off random events but there’s a long list of unknown and unusual methods that animals use frequently as their method for hunting. When the male angler fish is born, they are a lot smaller than the female. by Unbelievable Facts Jan 2, 2018, 10:58 pm 2.2k Views Comments Off on 10 Bizarre Animal Mating Habits. Country people and city people can have different rituals of courtship as well, it is usually based on one's moral background and upbringing. When they have reached the desired height, the two artists wind around each others and let themselves fall in space retained by their saliva. Diane Hart. As the saying goes, it’s a jungle out there. After insemination, both participants will lay hundreds of eggs. Parasitologists like to argue that the subjects of their research are to be respected for the ingenuity of their survival strategies. Next View All. Bluebanded goby: It’s good to be king, then queen, then king again With all the quills on this animal, we can highly doubt that it has a regular mating ritual. The male that wins the chance of inseminating the queen has an ejaculation so strong that his penis explodes as well as his abdomen. ... try taking a hint from some of the weirdest and wackiest mating rituals in the animal kingdom. While the female uses escape strategies such as defecating to deter the males, or doing a "body roll," males have scales on their bellies that they can use to keep the poor female in place. Next View All. Well, weird mating strategies can perhaps be the millennial specialty but its uniqueness can perhaps be questioned while sipping onto the morning cup of tea! In fact, if the foreplay lasts less than 100 minutes, the female doesn't consider the male as a worthy mate and won't allow to be inseminated by him. Many animals perform some sort of mating call. 1. Who said that violence is the only way to solve fights over food or territory? The male makes his approach by rubbing his nose on the female. 390. Then, they climb to an elevation that pleases both participants. Share. I think not! The season of love for the common garter snake is so special that it has become a touristic adventure in Canada. Termed "traumatic insemination," male bed bugs mate with females by using their barbed phalluses to stab into the females' bodies. These little fellows create their love ballads by rubbing their love organs across their ridged abdomen. ©2021 Verizon Media. What makes this fish interesting is that it has a little parasite on top of their head that helps it to catch their prey, which is in fact what is left over from the males of this species. If she likes it, she presents herself without quills to her new partner. This jet is impressively strong because it can reach up to two meters. We’ll start with the hyena. Their genitalia is situated on the side of their heads. The answer why males don't mind this is that after hibernation, the snakes are weak and the don't mind leading other males onto them because it heats them up and protects them from possible predators. Here are a few more unromantic, and downright strange examples of ocean animal reproduction (from the human perspective of course). The result is the loudest sound in the animal kingdom, relative to size. Animals that don't mate won't pass on their genes. For a bluebanded goby, it may be easier to change... 3. Then both animals merge into one. The female is up for fertilization only eight to twelve hours a year, but during those hours she will have sex with her partner until he is totally exhausted. But seriously now - out of 1,367,555 identified non-insect animal species that live on Earth today, how do you expect to know every single one of them? Male argonaut octopuses have a detachable phallus, which is a small sperm ball inside a hectocotylus (modified octopus arm). The drive for reproduction and its consequences influence virtually every aspect of human interaction in one way or another, and the variety of sexual acts and appetites humans indulge in is dizzying. For many creatures, mating … During my spare time, I like to read, write, play games, and do some sports. The winner is the one that succeeds in piercing the other with its penis in order to inseminate the other. All rights reserved. Mating Dogs 2015 - New Animal Mating - Horse Mating, Dogs Mating - New Funny Videos Hot 20. Scientists have compared the number of eggs produced by females when the present is empty and when it is full, and the number of eggs produced does not change. Top 10 Weird Insect Mating Rituals. Then an orgy begins in which the males try to fertilize the female with their two penises. By Mindy Weisberger 14 February 2017. Zika - December 19, 2009. While the animal kingdom seems more direct and upright in their approach, some behaviors are more astonishing rather than being hilarious. Tweet; Prev. As soon as they emerge from hibernation, red-sided garter snakes come together in large mating groups consisting of up to 100 males trying to mate with one female. 1. Human beings have a complex courtship system depending on the continent in which they live. These Weird Animal Courtship Displays Are Probably Better Than Your Valentine's Day Plans. Well, weird mating strategies can perhaps be the millennial specialty but its uniqueness can perhaps be questioned while sipping onto the morning cup of tea! During the nuptial flight, the queen will get with a dozen males and get enough sperm to lay eggs for the rest of her life, which is around four years. In 2008, I left France for my studies, and spent 5 years in California. From time to time, YouTube videos of animals hunting prey in incredible ways pop up and go viral. After the summer, the worker bees decide that the honey is too precious for sperm givers and throw them out of the hive. This biological imperative leads to an incredibly diverse world of reproductive strategies. This post originally appeared on the Nature Conservancy of Canada's blog, Land Lines. This animal not only has a weird name, but they also have a strange mating ritual. Porcupines don't want chocolate or flowers for Valentine's Day -- they want urine. The redback spider is considered as one of the most dangerous and venomous spiders in the world. Red-sided garter snakes mating (Photo by Greg Schechter/Wikimedia Commons). Most of us don't grasp the variety of animals species that inhabit the Earth today, and some even get surprised as they find out there's an animal they haven't heard of before. The penis is situated on the belly of the animal. The hippo is a strange mammal, with even stranger mating habits. The spiny mouse is kind of the Wolverine of the animal kingdom. The Gibraltar Macaque And Their Social Standing With Valentine's Day on the horizon, it is the perfect time to explore some of the weirdest mating strategies in the animal kingdom. Males have no stinger so they can't bear any pollen. The sexual mating of the great grey slug, or the leopard slug, is one of the best circus spectacles. Then, the male will try to inseminate the female (whether he has been accepted or not) with one of his two penises, and finally he will place his abdomen on the mouth of the female asking to be eaten alive. After a male Darwin's bark spider fertilizes a female, he plugs up the female's genitals with a mating plug. This little bird from Australia is well-known for its extraordinarily complex courtship. 390. Further, post-coital cannibalism and V-shaped penises are not all that uncommon. The female can store multiple phalluses in her spacious mantle cavity (the cavity in which the gills are found). Usually they’re one-off random events but there’s a long list of unknown and unusual methods that animals use frequently as their method for hunting. SHARES. Yes, unlike some animals with their adorable-like-a-Disney-cartoon courting rituals that actually take the time to find the female's genitalia, bed bugs at some point just said "fuck it" and developed the most horrifyingly-named mating practice called "traumatic insemination." Ravens are known to be extremely smart birds, maybe even the most intelligent birds known, some might say. This foreplay can last for up to five hours. Not all weird animal activity is sexual in nature (even if that seems to be the case). Sometimes, the male will put the female on their back for safety reason considered their backs are covered in sharp quills. Sex today is seen mainly as a source of pleasure, not only for reproduction like it was once seen as far back in history. While one species gives birth through a penis, another’s testicles’ explode after sex. 10:23. Unfortunately for the female, she risks suffocating to death. This animal not only has a weird name, but they also have a strange mating ritual. Marine flatworm (Photo by Jens Petersen/Wikimedia Commons). I love learning about new animals, and I know you do too. With Valentine's Day on the horizon, it is the perfect time to explore some of the weirdest mating strategies in the animal kingdom. by Unbelievable Facts Jan 2, 2018, 10:58 pm 2.2k Views Comments Off on 10 Bizarre Animal Mating Habits. In this ritual, the worms use their phalluses to try and pierce through each other's skin to inseminate one another. The “Shot in the dark” The oceanic squid (Octopoteuthis deletron) is usually solitary and has been found off the coast of California in Monterey Submarine Canyon at depths of 400-800m. SHARES. Funny animals videos Funny Animal Mating to Humans Animals Mating with Human Dog mating with Human. Praying mantises mating (Photo by Oliver Zoemmerling). Ravens have an interesting symbiotic relationship with wolves which leads to some interesting behaviors. If she doesn't reject him, he will put himself up on his back legs, and pee with a heavy and strong jet onto the female. Another interesting fact is that male bed bugs have a difficult time to recognize their female partner. When scientists began to search deeper in the ocean, they came across the angler fish, and they were surprised to discover that there were only females. The Land Snail is a gastropod, which is under the wider phylum of Molluska, which includes snails, slugs, clams, oyster, etc.The family of Gastropods has extremely diverse reproductive strategies, but here, we will focus on the land snail. When it mates, it stabs its partner directly in the forehead with its razor-sharp penis, ejaculating into its cerebral ganglia. 1 of 10. They assume that size is a hint of a female bug, so the smaller males risk getting perforated and most male bugs don't survive this attack. This species is one of the only cannibal mating species where the male mate gives consent. Cute and cuddly? Share. Then it's the slugs genitalia's turn to wind up. As weird and whacky as some human mating practices can sometimes be, other animals’ reproductive habits can be even stranger at times. Right whale: A testament to testes 2. The losing partner has the burden of carrying the offspring, which requires more energy. From time to time, YouTube videos of animals hunting prey in incredible ways pop up and go viral. By. Marine flatworms, which are hermaphroditic (have both male and female reproductive organs), engage in "penis fencing" during mating. They die of hunger and tiredness not long after being abandoned. The marine flatworm is a hermaphrodite that lives in coral. Both sexes relax their spines while mating, to prevent themselves from wounding each other. “They appear as though they’re trying to stab each other without being stabbed themselves,” she says. Animals that don't mate won't pass on their genes. 10 Bizarre Animal Mating Habits. In fact, during the act, the male will dance on the web of the female, then hit her belly like a tambourine. The male nursery web spider seduces the female by offering her a present. For many creatures, mating … Then the pleased female lets the male do his thing (impregnates her) while she eats the present. Human beings have a complex courtship system depending on the continent in which they live. Then the male waits for the inspection of the female. The reproduction of the western honey bee is an example of one of the biggest sexual suicides because the male honey bees have no other purpose than to fertilize the queen been. Also, due to this strange mating habit, which is also a way to survive for the male, females get bitten by multiple males. A new study reports that male pond skaters — the Brian Boitanos of the insect world — bully and frighten their female counterparts into mating with them. Sometimes, the male offers an empty present to the female. So what are some of the weirdest and most extravagant mating rituals in the animals kingdom? While the animal kingdom seems more direct and upright in their approach, some behaviors are more astonishing rather than being hilarious. Part of HuffPost News. A fresh take on sports: the biggest news and most entertaining lists. in Animals, Bizarre, List. This lesson will examine the mating behavior and gestation period for this large, plant-eating mammal. Superb bird-of-paradise is a small bird that has a small female population, therefore the competition amongst males is fierce. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. Sign up to get the best in wellness, relationships, royals, food and more on Wednesdays and Sundays. Tweet; Prev. Sperm can be injected anywhere on the animal to fertilize eggs. Sometimes the process can be dangerous, if not deadly. Porcupine mating is a rare occurrence, as females are only sexually receptive for eight to 12 hours a year. We’ll start with the hyena. Brown, plump and perfectly camouflaged in its native sandy environment, its first line of defense is its spiky demeanor. TIME takes a look at other odd (and sometimes disturbing) insect mating rituals. Each worm can produce sperm and eggs, so the role of the woman, or the man, is decided during this fight. The females inspect and look very carefully at the entire nest and even taste the paint. The sperm then travels through the female's bloodstream to its ovaries. This biological imperative leads to an incredibly diverse world of reproductive strategies. Before the female realizes that the male has offered her an empty present, it is too late, and he has already fertilized her. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs...stab? This manipulates the partner into assuming the female role in the pair. The fights are casually called penis fencing. Frigatebirds. If she doesn't like it, and chooses to reject him, she will growl and go find another partner. The male will even paint his nest to please his potential female. When you really get down to brass tacks, sex is a huge deal among humans. In order to adapt to this strange practice, the female of this species has developed a spermolegenese. Once they have selected a mate, they will more than likely come back to him in the following years. The nest is decorated with a lot of colors and shining objects as well as made of sticks and is decorated with flowers, berries and shells inside. After the hibernation period is complete, the female creates pheromones so powerful that it can attract and draw in more than one hundred males around her. Author's Note: 10 Weird Ways Organisms Reproduce. Not only can he discard chunks of his skin to release himself from a predator's clutches, but he's also capable of re-growing the skin, cartilage, fur and even his sweat glands once they're removed. The Texas Horned Lizard is a scary-looking creature. The female then inhales the male, which spends the rest of its life inside the female's body, continually releasing sperm. Some animal facts are weirder than others. From vicious females to interesting ways to … Our planet is full of amazing creatures that we don't even know about. When the merging is complete, the male will be reduced to his simplest expression: a pair of testis. Dog Videos. There's no rule that regulates how animals obtain the necessary genetic material to reproduce—and as a result, there is a lot of weird animal sex going on out there. The loser will have to take on the role of mother, with all the duties and the time that it requires. Meet Eight Species That Are Bending the Rules of Reproduction Spice up your mating life with relationship tips from rock lizards, sharks and water fleas 2:37. (Also see "Wild Romance: Weird Animal Courtship and Mating Rituals.") 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