document.all[placeholder] : document.getElementById(placeholder) } if(jQuery("#CustImg_"+i).val()!="" && jQuery("#CustImg_"+i).val()!="undefined"){ for(i=1;i<=count;i++) { cust_options_array = jQuery.grep(cust_options_array,function(n){ var cust_options_mirror_array = new Array; } var data_values = data.split("#"); var opt_name = document.getElementById(options_instr + i).value; jQuery("#img_alert_"+Prodid+'_'+i).html(""); document.getElementById("rounded_exc_tax").innerHTML = "";, { ID:ID,ProdID:ProdID,count:count,opt_name:opt_name,'variant_options_array[]':variant_options_array,pos:pos}, quant = parseInt(quant) + parseInt(jQuery(this).val()); Tap water has chlorine in it, so you may have to add a dechlorinator to safeguard the fish. } else if ((hasErrored==false) && (hasErrored_textfield==false) && (addtiontexterror==0) && (addtiontDropdownerror==0) && (addtionImageerror==0) && (addtionCheckboxerror==0) ) { } }} } var allow_stock_url = 'AllowStock.php'; Koi Pond Water Filter For Fish Pond Chlorine Removal Dechlorinator 2x Filters K6. variant_options_array[j] = jQuery("#"+variant_options + j).val(); } jQuery("#options_" + i).addClass( "AdditionDropDown_Alert" ); { jQuery("#CustImg_" + i).addClass( "BrowseButton_Alert" ); var var_stock = jQuery("#prod_stock").val(); jQuery('#ProductStockMessageContainer').show(); hasErrored = true;"StockInCart.php", { productid:productid }, jQuery("#img_alert_"+ i).html(""); The new innovative design of filter housing sumps has a more rounded bottom, which significantly increases resistance to stress (based on burst tests). 7. cust_temp = data.split('-'); { jQuery('#variant_alert').show(); for(j=1;j<=variant_count;j++) { 3 stage 10" Pond Purifier/Dechlorinator. }) } }); if(data != '') jQuery.fancybox({ return false; Oase ProfiClear - Automatic Pond Top Up. function(data) { //alert(data); width: 600, { jQuery("#AdditonTextfield_"+Prodid+'_'+i).addClass( "AdditionDropDown_Alert" ); This Pentek 150235 1-1/2 in. } jQuery("#CustImg_" + i).addClass( "BrowseButton_Alert" ); { if((n == 0 ) || (Message=='undefined')) jQuery('#variant_alert').show(); } } else{ hasErrored_textfield = false; In addition, brass inlet/outlet inserts enable damage-free installation of pressure relief valve and pressure gauges. }); if(jQuery("#variantexist").val()==''){ hasErrored_textfield = false; jQuery("#notifyemail").css("border","1px solid red"); function(data) { var brandedpanel = ''; } var variant_options = 'variant_'; var optiontype_array = new Array; The housings are equipped with pressure relief valves which allow the release of residual air trapped in the filter after replacing the cartridge. }); }); if(temp[1]=='incvat') { } return(n); } errorinc = 1; return false; jQuery("#" + variant_options + j).removeClass("ProductOptionsStyle_Choosen"); { jQuery("#CartValue").html(data_values[0]); { hasErrored = false; }) addtionCheckboxerror = 1; var quant = 1; } { if (document.getElementById('optionsValidate_' + i).value == 'ForceChoice'){ } It also adds Stress Coat Protection for fish. Supplied complete with a 5 micron pre-filter. cust_options_mirror_array[i] = jQuery('#'+cust_options_mirror + i).val(); addtionImageerror = 0; } if((jQuery('#optiontype_' + i).val() == 'TEXTAREA') && (jQuery("#options_" + i).val() == '')) { jQuery(".QtyAdded").html(quant+" Item(s) Added To Your Basket"); Application: Test your pond water at the same time each day (dawn = lowest pH; dusk = highest pH) for a pH reading. document.getElementById("var_stock"+ProdID).value = temp[5]; return false; Butyl pond liners are perfect for this and are made partly from natural raw materials. { var ImageUrl = 'GetSwatchesImage.php'; if(document.getElementById("StockSpan")){ } document.getElementById('options_mirror_'+Prodid+'_'+i).value = '[INVALIDCHOICE]'; id = jQuery(this).attr("id"); qty = jQuery(this).val(); Big Blue Purifier £209.95 - £299.95. if((n == 0 ) || (Message=='undefined')) } var Quant = document.getElementById("DetailPageQuantBox").value; //alert("This product is out of stock"); }); Dean wrote:I use a vyair 3 stage 10" unit £50:00 direct from vyair on ebay . hasErrored = false; { if(variant_count > 0) var allow_stock_url = 'AllowStock.php'; { if(jQuery("#Total").val() != '') jQuery("#AdditonTextfield_"+Prodid+'_'+i).addClass( "AdditionDropDown_Choosen" ); else if(var_allow_order==1){ var var_allow_order = 1; for(var i=0; i
Sorry, the item is not manufactured in this combination"; if(jQuery("#DetailPageQuantBox").val() != ''){ } var alrt_txt = jQuery(".TextmessageHead #head_"+ i).text(); { var hasErrored = false; jQuery('#DetailImage').attr('src',data); Steve. var variant_options = 'variant'+Prodid+'_'; var flag = 1; { } if(jQuery(this).val() >= 1) var ss = nw_temp[8].split(','); jQuery('#CustImg_'+Prodid+'_'+i).addClass( "BrowseButton_Alert" ); { } SKS Pod Range Purifiers. jQuery("#options_" + i).removeClass( "AdditionDropDown_Alert" ); // var curr_div = 'CurrChar_'; else{ { { var errorinc = 0; document.getElementById("rounded_inc_tax").innerHTML = '( inc VAT£'+' '+temp[3]+')'; var div_name = 'CustomPriceDiv_'; } if (document.getElementById(cust_options + i).value == '[INVALIDCHOICE]'){ if (document.getElementById(optionsValidate + i) && document.getElementById(cust_options + i)) } //document.getElementById("variant_alert").innerHTML = ""+dd[1]+""; } jQuery("#AdditonTextfield_" + i).addClass( "AdditionDropDown_Alert" ); if(cartopensettings=="cartpage"){ } var count = 0; var option_fetch_url = 'variant_option_fetch.php'; document.getElementById(div_name + i).innerHTML = ''+cust_temp[0]+''; optioninput_array = jQuery.grep(optioninput_array,function(n){ { } { }) { } var email = $("#notifyemail").val(); Connections: Quantity: +-Product Summary. return(n); { return(n); var cust_options_mirror = 'options_mirror_';,winName,features); //document.getElementById("StockSpan").innerHTML = ': '+temp[6]; { // setTimeout( "jQuery('#variant_alert').hide();",5000 ); if(jQuery(this).val() >= 1) }); jQuery('#variant_alert').show(); if(cartid!="") jQuery("#ProductStockMessageContainer").hide(); var variant_count = parseInt(jQuery("#count_variant_names").val()); var quant = 1; var remaining = limit-parseInt(jQuery("#AdditonTextfield_"+m).val().length); $("#DetailPageQuantBox").keypress(function (e) { return(n); { } }) jQuery("#options_" + i).parent().removeClass( "AdditionCheckbox_Alert" ); } } } jQuery("#options_" + i).removeClass( "AdditionDropDown_Alert" ); jQuery("#variant_alert"+Prodid).html(""+data+""); else jQuery('.LogoOption:checked').removeAttr('checked'); //document.getElementById("ProdPriceDiv2").innerHTML = '£'+' '+temp2[0]+''; { 12 Litre capacity (180 litres per hour) 26" high x 8" Diameter Medium Cylinder: 40,000 Gallons treatment. else } } A pond water conditioner works by neutralising the chlorine and chloramine present in tap water when filling a pond … hasErrored = false; }) jQuery("#ProductStockMessageContainer").html(data); if (document.getElementById('optionsValidate_' + i).value == 'ForceChoice'){ async: false, } { document.getElementById(div_name + i).innerHTML = '+£'+cust_temp[0]+''; if(document.getElementById("rounded_exc_tax"+ProdID)){ cust_options_array = jQuery.grep(cust_options_array,function(n){ } if(var_allow_order==0 && GlobalStockVar=="No" && jQuery('#variant_alert').val() == '' && brandedpanel=='') function NotifyMe() }); jQuery("#" + variant_options + j).removeClass("ProductOptionsStyle_Alert"); jQuery(".VariantCode").html(temp[7]); We started to doubt its effectiveness when we noticed our pond fish looking unhappy. var optioninput = 'optioninput_'; function(data) { ... OASE In-line Dechlorinator. jQuery("#CartValue").html(data_values[0]); The housings are equipped with pressure relief valves which allow the release of residual air trapped in the filter after replacing the cartridge.'', jQuery( "#RepeatForm"+Prodid ).serialize(), $('#net1').html(''); scrollToElement( '#DetailPageProductDetailsOuterContainer', 2000 ); } } The Crystal Clear Liquid Vanish Dechlorinator is used to safely and effectively remove chlorine, chloramine, ammonia and heavy metals. jQuery("#variant_alert").html(""+msg+""); var ez = $('#DetailImage').data('elevateZoom');, {ImageId:ImageId}, { jQuery("#options_" + i).addClass( "AdditionDropDown_Alert" ); return(n); } var Message = jQuery("#AdditonTextfield_" + i).val(); document.getElementById("rounded_inc_tax").innerHTML = '( Inc VAT£'+' '+temp2[2]+')'; if(document.getElementById("rounded_exc_tax")){ if (jQuery("#optionsValidate_" + i).val() == 'NotEmpty'){ £72.95. else if(var_allow_order==0 && var_stock<=0 && GlobalStockVar=="No"){ jQuery("#selection_"+PositionNum).html(''); return false; hasErrored_textfield = false; jQuery('.option_'+PositionNum).attr("disabled",false); Healthy living environment for you fish in you fishtank, aquarium or pond… hasErrored = true; { //document.getElementById("rounded_exc_tax2").innerHTML = '( ex Vat £'+' '+temp[3]+')'; //alert(data); var theform=eval(placeholder) } { function countlimit(maxlength,e,placeholder){ jQuery("#options_"+Prodid+'_'+i).parent().addClass( "AdditionCheckbox_Choosen" ); jQuery('#Logoupload').hide(); { } if(variant_count > 0 && brandedpanel == '') { //alert(data); } return false; { else //jQuery("#ProductsInCategory").html(''); } //alert(data); var Message = jQuery("#AdditonTextfield_"+Prodid+'_'+i).val(); //document.getElementById("rounded_inc_tax2").innerHTML = '( Inc Vat£'+' '+temp[2]+')'; } } scrollToElement( '.DetailPageInformationText', 2000 ); } } if(document.getElementById("rrp")){ } restrictinput(thelimit,event,theform); } function(data) { if (document.getElementById(optionsValidate + i).value == 'ForceChoice'){ return(n); hasErrored = true;
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